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December Priorities Dec 5, 2017 | Rei
( Posted to our Patreon )

Thank you to everyone who has supported ACDB this year!
Your support is greatly appreciated, and it really helps to rally me to fight even harder.

I'd like to share with you what I will be working on this month.

1. New Content Guidelines
2. Updating Our Content
3. A Professional Theme and Design
4. Improving Voting
5. Simplifying our Community Offerings

As you know we have been struggling as of late and seemingly hit a wall 5 years ago that has not been easy to get past. After careful reflection, and talking with returning super moderator Mitsu, I hit upon something to try. We are going to be The Anime Characters Database: accepting all animated characters without restriction. We're heading in a bold new direction, and I'm amazed how quickly my team came on board. Animation is something we all enjoy. And do any of us, really, limit ourselves to only Japanese animation? I think not. There are so many series we have all enjoyed, and so many more to discover. It is my hope they will find a home on ACDB.

I've turned my focus to updating our anime by season chart. I've nearly added all the titles from Fall 2017 ( this current season ), and may be quite busy yet adding Winter 2018 next, Summer 2017, as well as assigning characters to the titles. We're going to be rapidly approaching the 100,000 character mark - I can feel it.

Now in terms of theme and design, I have concluded all professional themes are based on a color + black and white. So I will be working to simplify our theme to just that. Might even let you pick the color too!

Many members have brought to my attention problems with bots and/or highly motivated people exploiting our various vote system. Character VS, Vote Up/Down, etc. When I have a chance, I will be turning my attention to making some improvements here.

As we head into 2018, one thing is for certain. There are more things competing for people's attention then there is attention to be had! Do you keep up with several lounges, our Discord, our forums, you Guild message boards, your Guild lounges, your Guild news, anime discussions, and the chatbox on a daily basis? No? I would like to simply and resolve this. As always, I'm happy to hear your ideas and suggestions!

Thank you all once again for supporting ACDB! And a special thanks to our retiring Head Character Moderator LiCobra. Having been a member since Aug 2011, she has contributed more to the site than I can possibly give her credit for. She personally added more than 10,000 characters, and moderated tens of thousands more in addition to over a hundred thousand moderator actions taken! She's the hardest working woman I know. Thank you Li! I wish you all the best.

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