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Help shape the future of ACDB! Feb 20, 2015 | Cirno
Hello beautiful people.

There are many of us in this community who wish to help out with ACDB. Unfortunately we're mostly non-social and/or awkward people. And there may or may not be some sort of idea out there that we need special skills, dedication, and a vast professional knowledge of programming to contribute.

Let me assure you, this is not the case! Except for dedication. that's always helpful.

Anyways, at the beginning of 2015 I had a dream. I had a vision of a new, improved ACDB. An ACDB 2.0. It is a vast project, one that can not be done by Rei or I alone. Together, I need people to help me where Rei and I have stumbled. I need people to help me with this huge endeavor.

One thing wich we lack is any organization. If you want to look at images, where do you go? if you want to look at treasure and cards, where do you go? if you want to search tags? tags is a mess! Rei, over the course of many years has built many amazing things. None of us can doubt that. But we need to work together to link these features together, to make pages that can be easily navigated, to make a website that makes sense. We do not want to intimidate people with something that is huge and hard to understand! This is Google vs Yahoo! We CAN have lots of great stuff, we CAN have a site that is easy to navigate and we can stick to our purpose.

I can not do it alone. Everyone who is not already contributing in their areas can help with this. If you want to shape the future of ACDB, join my lounge and we can discuss the details.

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