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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Here in the 2nd Barrage is the season of continuations. There are only 3 major stories that go on here: The Loli Vamp Twins; Green Back Jane; and The Fall of the Washimine Clan. All of them allow for the other citizens of Roanapur to have some character development as well.
The 1st of which is the tale of the blood thirsty twins who run a muck throughout the city. I found their sadistic high jinx utterly amusing. Between their creepy singing and their demonic stereo cackling, I was thoroughly entertained.
The Ballad of a girl name Jane was great too. With its classic cute klutzy nerd, and the fact that it was a heavy Eda part I enjoyed it. Spoiler: Shehua! returns, but they flubbed up her voice in the EN dub, not the VA but her vocal mannerisms.
And finally Rock returns to Japan, with Revy by his side, working for Balalaika as an interpreter. Here Rock tries to save the world one person at time, while a great family falls, only to make things worse. Balalaika’s back story is told, and a great sword master is introduced. It was all a touching tale, though some of the violence was a little too rough for my taste, but it is kind of essential to the plot.
Character design is unchanged, still excellent. OST good, plot won’t let you down, with plenty cheesy jokes, and bad puns in both the EN dub and subbed versions.
I find the ending a bit predictable, and I know there’s about 1½ volumes more to the plotline of the manga, but I have trouble reading digital manga on my computer, hurts my eyes and takes too long to scroll through. I wish there was a 3rd Barrage on the pipeline.
The 2nd Barrage contains: blood; moar violence; lots of foul language; and a smidge of brief nudity it scores a 6.7(out of 10) Recommended for viewing, and a must see for anyone who had enjoyed the 1st season.

Thank you

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