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Yoo Jinho : Hang on! You'd need to be at least B-Rank
to take down a C-Rank boss by yourself.
Yoo Jinho : Or an upper C-Rank, at the very minimum! (0:01:42.24)
Yoo Jinho : You've got no chance, Jinwoo... (0:01:45.44)
Yoo Jinho : Let's try and find a way out instead! (0:01:48.34)
Jin-Woo Sung : Jinho is right. I may have reawakened
and leveled up, but I'm still weak.
Jin-Woo Sung : The Blue Venom-Fanged Kasaka I ran into
in the instance dungeon was probably D-Rank,
Jin-Woo Sung : and that golem boss was
probably D-Rank or lower.
Jin-Woo Sung : This boss is guaranteed to be
a lot stronger than either of them.
Jin-Woo Sung : But for some reason... I don't feel
intimidated enough to give up.
Jin-Woo Sung : I've gotten strong enough to stand
my ground against a C-Rank boss.
Jin-Woo Sung : I'm level 18 now. (0:02:27.31)
Jin-Woo Sung : Taking on a C-Rank boss... (0:02:31.79)
Jin-Woo Sung : is worth a shot! (0:02:35.82)
Jin-Woo Sung : We're called hunters for a reason. (0:02:42.17)
Jin-Woo Sung : And the real hunt begins now! (0:02:46.09)
Woo Jinchul : Another long day, sir. (0:04:28.25)
Go Gunhee : The government, the media, (0:04:30.54)
Go Gunhee : organizations related to energy development... (0:04:32.96)
Go Gunhee : These nonstop meetings
are beginning to wear on me.
Go Gunhee : I was never much of a talker
in the first place.
Woo Jinchul : Your schedule is clear for the time being. (0:04:46.61)
Woo Jinchul : Would it be all right if I asked
for a bit of instruction?
Woo Jinchul : It might be the change of pace you need, too. (0:04:54.55)
Go Gunhee : They say old soldiers fade away... (0:05:00.35)
Go Gunhee : but I can hardly turn down a youngster
asking for a spot of guidance.
Jin-Woo Sung : Its exoskeleton is so hard! (0:05:16.80)
Jin-Woo Sung : And it strikes with tremendous power!
One false move, and I'm dead!
Yoo Jinho : The way he's moving... No way is he E-Rank! (0:05:32.07)
Yoo Jinho : Wh-What in the world is he?! (0:05:35.80)
Yoo Jinho : Wait... Did he fake his ranking?! (0:05:39.73)
Yoo Jinho : I've heard the rumors. (0:05:42.97)
Yoo Jinho : Rare individuals can control their magic
power to register with a lower ranking—
Yoo Jinho : the hunters known as false rankers! (0:05:49.39)
Yoo Jinho : And most of them are said to be
lunatics who kill for the fun of it!
Yoo Jinho : What am I doing here? (0:06:00.83)
Yoo Jinho : D-Dad... (0:06:03.65)
Jin-Woo Sung : Damn! Its exterior is too tough
for me to do any real damage!
Jin-Woo Sung : And if my fatigue gets any higher,
I'll start to slow down.
Jin-Woo Sung : I need to kill it before that happens! (0:06:20.33)
Jin-Woo Sung : Paralysis and drain... This dagger's
special abilities will be the key!
Jin-Woo Sung : If I aim for a weak spot,
it should get through!
Jin-Woo Sung : There! (0:06:30.49)
Jin-Woo Sung : Acid?! That's a nasty surprise! (0:06:37.15)
Jin-Woo Sung : Rock-solid armor and acidic spit... (0:06:41.27)
Jin-Woo Sung : This eight-legged freak
is even worse than I thought.
Jin-Woo Sung : And the longer this goes on,
the worse off I'll be.
Jin-Woo Sung : I need to get up close,
regardless of the risk.
Jin-Woo Sung : My new skill, Dash... (0:06:53.41)
Jin-Woo Sung : I can use this to get in, fast! (0:06:55.83)
Jin-Woo Sung : If one hit won't cut it, then I'll keep going! (0:07:11.87)
Yoo Jinho : S-So fast... (0:07:17.75)
Yoo Jinho : But will he have enough
stamina to hang in there?
Yoo Jinho : What is he even trying to do? (0:07:22.99)
Jin-Woo Sung : Faster... (0:07:27.18)
Jin-Woo Sung : I have to go faster! (0:07:30.23)
Jin-Woo Sung : Almost there! (0:07:34.03)
Yoo Jinho : Jinwoo! (0:07:40.87)
Yoo Jinho : Jinwoo! (0:08:00.18)
Jin-Woo Sung : It's a good thing I sat on
those daily quest rewards.
Jin-Woo Sung : I would've had more trouble otherwise. (0:08:52.26)
Yoo Jinho : I can't believe it... (0:08:56.80)
Yoo Jinho : He really did beat a boss by himself! (0:08:58.73)
Yoo Jinho : And there can be no other explanation!
He's a false ranker!
Jin-Woo Sung : I wonder how much this'll go for... (0:09:07.83)
Yoo Jinho : U-Um... B-Boss? (0:09:11.07)
Yoo Jinho : Would you like me to carry
the essence stone for you?
Yoo Jinho : I'll handle the gear, too. (0:09:18.02)
Yoo Jinho : Here's some water.
Please help yourself, Boss.
Jin-Woo Sung : U-Uh... Sure. (0:09:24.65)
Jin-Woo Sung : Why is he calling me that? (0:09:26.78)
Yoo Jinho : You rest up, boss!
I'll excavate the mana crystals!
Jin-Woo Sung : What the heck's gotten into him? (0:09:34.81)
Go Gunhee : Are you all right? (0:10:01.67)
Woo Jinchul : Yes, sir. Thank you for the lesson. (0:10:03.23)
Go Gunhee : I should be thanking you.
This really was just what I needed.
Go Gunhee : I appreciate it. (0:10:09.90)
Woo Jinchul : I'm impressed, Chairman.
You don't seem to have lost a step.
Go Gunhee : No, compared to when I was on active duty... (0:10:15.61)
Go Gunhee : You've gotten better
at defense yourself, Jinchul.
Go Gunhee : It shows you've kept up your practice. (0:10:23.23)
Woo Jinchul : Training might not raise your rank, (0:10:25.13)
Woo Jinchul : but you can always hone
your body and technique.
Go Gunhee : It's important to work
on one's body and mind,
Go Gunhee : instead of relying solely
on your hunter powers.
Go Gunhee : Especially if you regularly find yourself
in extreme situations like dungeons.
Go Gunhee : It's at times like those when human nature
can rear its ugly head.
Yoo Jinho : Wh-What of it? (0:11:17.96)
Yoo Jinho : That's... (0:11:38.59)
Jin-Woo Sung : An urgent quest? (0:12:42.95)
Jin-Woo Sung : What the hell? (0:12:45.04)
Yoo Jinho : Boss! (0:12:58.29)
Yoo Jinho : How could you?! (0:14:39.03)
Jin-Woo Sung : How could I have forgotten? (0:14:43.00)
Jin-Woo Sung : I work in a world where survival
of the fittest is the reality.
Jin-Woo Sung : A world filled with violence,
deception, and betrayal.
Jin-Woo Sung : How could I...? (0:14:54.12)
Jin-Woo Sung : How? How? How...? (0:14:55.88)
Jin-Woo Sung : How? How? How? How?! How?! (0:14:58.71)
Jin-Woo Sung : That's it. I'd grown numb to it. (0:15:05.68)
Jin-Woo Sung : Carelessness. Overconfidence. Delusion. (0:15:09.42)
Jin-Woo Sung : Enemies... (0:15:16.07)
Jin-Woo Sung : The system is telling me to kill. (0:15:17.81)
Jin-Woo Sung : Does it need to keep me alive
for some reason?
Jin-Woo Sung : This isn't a coincidence. It's not charity. (0:15:26.59)
Jin-Woo Sung : The system wants me alive. (0:15:30.56)
Jin-Woo Sung : It wants me strong. (0:15:37.87)
Yoo Jinho : Boss! Thank goodness... (0:15:40.89)
Jin-Woo Sung : Okay, then. (0:15:47.47)
Jin-Woo Sung : If the system wants to use me,
then I'll use it, too.
Jin-Woo Sung : I'd forgotten. (0:16:01.44)
Jin-Woo Sung : The weak always get taken from.
That's how it works here.
Jin-Woo Sung : That means you guys understand
how it works, too, right?
Jin-Woo Sung : If you're hunters... (0:16:20.28)
Jin-Woo Sung : then you're ready to be
preyed on yourselves, right?
Jin-Woo Sung : One down. (0:16:57.13)
Jin-Woo Sung : I just killed someone. (0:17:13.43)
Jin-Woo Sung : A human being. (0:17:16.07)
Jin-Woo Sung : Even if I was just obeying the system, (0:17:17.93)
Jin-Woo Sung : I've... just murdered another person. (0:17:21.48)
Jin-Woo Sung : But if I hadn't done it, I would've died. (0:17:26.57)
Jin-Woo Sung : So I can't back down now. (0:17:29.85)
Jin-Woo Sung : If only the strong get to survive, then...! (0:17:33.45)
Yoo Jinho : He's so strong... (0:18:18.11)
Yoo Jinho : He feels stronger now than when
he was fighting the dungeon boss.
Jin-Woo Sung : Mr. Hwang. You're strong. (0:19:06.09)
Jin-Woo Sung : But I've got some bad news for you. (0:19:10.06)
Jin-Woo Sung : I've been leveling up this entire time. (0:19:17.47)
Jin-Woo Sung : Three times. (0:19:47.18)
Jin-Woo Sung : You tried to kill me three times... (0:19:49.23)
Jin-Woo Sung : and now you want mercy? (0:19:52.90)
Jin-Woo Sung : Weren't you the one who said nothing
that happens in a dungeon ever gets out?
Jin-Woo Sung : The boss is dead, so the dungeon's closing.
Let's get out of here.
Yoo Jinho : That's true. Well... (0:20:43.50)
Yoo Jinho : Y-Yes?! (0:20:48.56)
Yoo Jinho : Oh... Yeah. (0:20:55.16)
Jin-Woo Sung : I got rewarded for something like that, huh? (0:20:57.12)
Jin-Woo Sung : The Murderous Intent skill...? (0:20:59.99)
Jin-Woo Sung : It can cut all abilities in half, huh? (0:21:03.69)
Yoo Jinho : E-Excuse me... (0:21:26.11)
Yoo Jinho : B-Boss... Good work back there! (0:21:28.31)
Jin-Woo Sung : Right. (0:21:33.06)
Yoo Jinho : Is everything okay? (0:21:41.09)
Jin-Woo Sung : I was just thinking... (0:21:42.99)
Jin-Woo Sung : I'm glad I gave her that umbrella. (0:21:45.68)

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