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Blacksmith : Hey, hey! (0:00:03.92)
Blacksmith : You gals on your way back from
school? I've got great low prices.
Blacksmith : Take a look! These deals are today only. (0:00:08.21)
Megumin : I was wondering what you wanted... (0:00:13.77)
Megumin : But "I've always dreamed of shopping for
cute trinkets with a friend after school"?
Yunyun : So mean! Why would you say that? (0:00:21.13)
Megumin : For one thing, we're not friends. (0:00:23.93)
Megumin : What? The daggers? (0:00:30.02)
Yunyun : Yeah. They're so pretty. (0:00:32.22)
Megumin : You want one? (0:00:34.35)
Yunyun : Yeah. (0:00:35.96)
Nerimaki : And Megumin picked it out for you? Wow. (0:00:39.85)
Yunyun : Yeah! She said this one was better! (0:00:43.59)
Megumin : Don't get the wrong idea! (0:00:46.31)
Megumin : You were taking way too long
to make up your mind,
Megumin : so I simply pointed at the
one I thought was the best!
Megumin : What is with you today? Honestly! (0:00:56.15)
Megumin : Now, Yunyun... (0:00:59.46)
Megumin : I bet you're going to say,
"Time for another duel!" again today.
Megumin : Well, I've thought up a delightful game! (0:01:03.98)
Megumin : Take your precious dagger, (0:01:12.58)
Megumin : and stab between my fingers as many
times and as quickly as possible!
Yunyun : What?! (0:01:18.38)
Megumin : Go on! Get to it! (0:01:19.05)
Megumin : Ready, go! (0:01:21.14)
Megumin : One... two... (0:01:22.80)
Yunyun : Whoa! H-Hang on! Just hold on a sec! (0:01:25.33)
Yunyun : I can't do this! No way! (0:01:27.40)
Megumin : What's the matter? (0:01:29.22)
Megumin : If you can't stab between every
finger before I count to ten,
Megumin : you'll have lost, Yunyun! (0:01:33.97)
Megumin : Five... six... seven... (0:01:36.54)
Yunyun : I don't care, then!
Let's just say I lost today! Again!
Yunyun : I'll give you my lunch, too! (0:01:44.26)
Megumin : I'm home! (0:03:22.59)
Komekko : Welcome home, Sis! (0:03:25.14)
Megumin : Oh, my! You're covered in dirt. (0:03:28.57)
Megumin : I thought you were supposed
to watch the house.
Megumin : Were you playing outside again? (0:03:35.46)
Komekko : Yep! I beat up the newspaper guy,
and then I went and played.
Megumin : Another victory? As befits my little sister. (0:03:43.58)
Komekko : I found a toy, too,
so I've been playing with it!
Komekko : You wanna try? (0:03:50.25)
Megumin : A toy? (0:03:51.67)
Komekko : Something on you smells good, Sis! (0:03:54.71)
Megumin : Ah, as perceptive as ever, little sister. (0:03:56.94)
Megumin : I brought you something. (0:04:00.68)
Megumin : An offering to the magical deity:
a lamb sandwich!
Megumin : Now, feast until your stomach bursts! (0:04:06.09)
Komekko : Wow! I feel like the Devil King himself! (0:04:12.90)
Komekko : Let's save the dinner I
caught for tomorrow, then.
Megumin : You caught something? (0:04:20.52)
Komekko : Yep! A big one. (0:04:22.46)
Megumin : Such familial piety! (0:04:23.86)
Megumin : Well done, Komekko. (0:04:26.07)
Komekko : Hang on a sec! (0:04:30.32)
Megumin : I wonder what she caught. (0:04:33.60)
Megumin : Cicadas? Or crickets, perhaps? (0:04:36.74)
Megumin : Beetles are a little earthy for my liking, (0:04:39.31)
Megumin : but that can be fixed with deep-frying. (0:04:42.45)
Megumin : That's... (0:04:47.24)
Komekko : Look! A fierce ebon beast that I
felled after a battle to the death!
Megumin : Well, you certainly did catch a big one. (0:04:56.27)
Komekko : Yep! I worked hard! (0:05:00.13)
Komekko : It fought back at first,
but it settled down after I bit it!
Megumin : I'm glad you won the battle, but you really
shouldn't go around biting things randomly.
Komekko : I shouldn't? (0:05:13.21)
Komekko : Want some? (0:05:22.58)
Megumin : I'm full, so you can have it all. (0:05:23.87)
Megumin : More importantly, will you
relinquish this furball to me?
Komekko : Okay! (0:05:31.85)
Megumin : Well, now, what am I going to do with you? (0:05:33.86)
Yunyun : Megumin... (0:05:47.26)
Yunyun : M-Megumin! (0:05:49.57)
Megumin : Good morning. What's that
concerned look for?
Yunyun : Where'd she come from? (0:05:55.88)
Megumin : She's my familiar. (0:05:57.18)
Dodonko : A familiar?! (0:05:58.04)
Dodonko : I thought wizards with familiars
were strictly a fairy tale thing!
Funifura : Look! It's making such an
adorable, but impudent face!
Funifura : It's terrifying! A perfect innocent-kitty act (0:06:09.39)
Funifura : to hide her intention to steal
our lunches for her mistress!
Dodonko : I hate to do it! But here's my lunch... (0:06:16.91)
Megumin : That should make feeding
her a lot more affordable.
Megumin : This level of popularity, though...
Maybe she has some kind of charm magic?
Yunyun : She's so fluffy... (0:06:30.10)
Nerimaki : So, did you name her yet? (0:06:35.73)
Megumin : Not yet, no. (0:06:38.65)
Arue : Familiar or not, are you sure it was
a good idea to bring her to school?
Megumin : My home environment poses some threats (0:06:43.34)
Megumin : that make me uncomfortable
leaving her there alone.
Dodonko : Wait, what threats? (0:06:48.37)
Yunyun : She's so cute... but will
our teacher say it's okay?
Pucchin : Denied. (0:06:56.53)
Megumin : Sir, this cat is my familiar,
who feeds off of my magical power!
Megumin : If we're separated,
she'll die in short order.
Pucchin : Denied. You can't even use magic,
and you're claiming to have a familiar?
Pucchin : The school's rules say no
familiars and no snacks.
Pucchin : Go on, take it back to where you found it. (0:07:11.79)
Megumin : Sir! You are looking at a
fragmented aspect of my soul,
Megumin : the incarnation of my dark side! (0:07:17.22)
Megumin : We cannot be separated! (0:07:18.87)
Pucchin : What? A fragmented aspect of your soul? (0:07:21.48)
Megumin : Not only that, but if we're separated,
she'll go berserk, grow gigantic, and—
Pucchin : All right, I'll allow it! (0:07:29.29)
Megumin : Yes, she'll unleash a mysterious
dark matter on the—
Megumin : Wait, really? (0:07:33.74)
Pucchin : That one sounded pretty good, after all. (0:07:35.37)
Pucchin : Megumin, you get ten points! (0:07:38.10)
Pucchin : Besides, I've got a feeling this
will be good, so I'll allow it.
Megumin : Well, thank you very much. (0:07:45.47)
Pucchin : Now that we've settled this familiar
matter, let's begin class...
Pucchin : is what I'd normally say, but today's
lesson will be a little special.
Megumin : A special lesson? (0:07:57.88)
Pucchin : The seal on one of our
village's tourist attractions,
Pucchin : the tomb of the Dark God, is weakening. (0:08:02.27)
Pucchin : This has caused the monsters in
the area to become more active.
Pucchin : Simmer down, now! (0:08:08.59)
Pucchin : The village's unemployed... (0:08:10.32)
Pucchin : I mean, our brave and otherwise
unoccupied residents
Pucchin : have dealt with the dangerous monsters. (0:08:15.00)
Pucchin : Any that are left will be on the weak side. (0:08:16.64)
Pucchin : Which is why... (0:08:19.27)
Pucchin : You will all take part in the traditional (0:08:22.09)
Pucchin : Crimson Demon augmentation surge,
in order to raise your levels quickly!
Pucchin : I expect to see you all in
the courtyard in 30 minutes!
Pucchin : Figure out your groups
beforehand, also! That is all!
Megumin : What is it? (0:08:43.61)
Yunyun : W-Well.... it's a group
activity, apparently...
Megumin : And what of it? (0:08:48.62)
Yunyun : Well... you see... (0:08:50.33)
Arue : Megumin, if you don't have a partner,
would you care to join me?
Megumin : That's fine. (0:08:57.58)
Megumin : Good grief... Yunyun, this time— (0:09:02.46)
Funifura : Hey, Yunyun! Wanna be in our group? (0:09:05.46)
Dodonko : You're usually left out. You should join us. (0:09:08.43)
Yunyun : A-Are you sure? (0:09:11.59)
Funifura : Of course. You're our classmate, right? (0:09:13.04)
Dodonko : So we're basically friends. (0:09:14.88)
Yunyun : F-Friends?! (0:09:16.37)
Funifura : Come on, let's go. (0:09:17.87)
Yunyun : Sure! (0:09:19.16)
Arue : So this... (0:09:25.61)
Arue : is cuckolding. (0:09:27.48)
Megumin : That's not what it is! (0:09:28.31)
Pucchin : All right, time for the
special lesson to begin.
Pucchin : If you don't have your own
weapon, use one of these.
Pucchin : We Crimson Demons can use our magical power
to temporarily amplify our body's strength!
Pucchin : As long as you focus your mind,
this ability should come naturally.
Pucchin : You go first, Arue. (0:09:56.58)
Arue : Magical power within...
travel the paths of my blood,
Arue : and grant my limbs great strength! (0:10:04.23)
Yunyun : S-Sir! These are all hollow,
and really light.
Pucchin : Minus five points, Yunyun. (0:10:20.26)
Pucchin : We will now perform the
Crimson Demon secret rite,
Pucchin : the augmentation surge. (0:10:31.36)
Pucchin : Freeze Bind! (0:10:32.93)
Pucchin : All right, now slay this thing. (0:10:40.07)
Yunyun : Augmentation surge? (0:10:43.06)
Yunyun : And it's just... beating a
monster that's held in place?
Pucchin : It's on the verge of dying thanks
to my magic anyway. Relax!
Pucchin : Now, who will be the champion to claim
victory over this abominable monster?!
Megumin : The first blow should be struck
by the most prodigious.
Megumin : Consider it done! (0:11:06.74)
Yunyun : Megumin! (0:11:08.34)
Pucchin : That's the spirit. No wonder
you're top of the class.
Pucchin : All right, I need to prepare
the rest of the ritual,
Pucchin : so make sure to boost those levels. (0:11:16.46)
Yunyun : H-Hey... Are you really going to do this? (0:11:20.52)
Megumin : As sad as it makes me, (0:11:23.37)
Megumin : this is our fate as Crimson Demons,
whose lives are a battlefield.
Megumin : Being able to level up just by
finishing off a near-dead monster...
Megumin : Easy! (0:11:31.94)
Megumin : Now, servant of great evil.
Open your ears to my requiem,
Megumin : and fall into eternal slumber! (0:11:38.42)
Megumin : W-Wait! It's not weakened at all! (0:11:46.27)
Megumin : Damn you! Insolent cold-blooded fiend! (0:11:50.20)
Megumin : Hear the primal cry of my physical verbiage! (0:11:52.95)
Megumin : I-I win! (0:12:00.69)
Funifura : Y-Yunyun, hurry up and do it! (0:12:10.71)
Funifura : We need to finish here and
move on to the next one!
Yunyun : B-But... it looked me right in the eye... (0:12:15.24)
Dodonko : You're the second-ranked honor
student! Show us how it's done!
Yunyun : S-Sorry, I just can't! (0:12:29.86)
Funifura : What?! (0:12:31.61)
Funifura : We're Crimson Demons!
We're way more fierce than that!
Dodonko : It should be easy to finish
off an immobilized monster!
Megumin : Are you really having so much
trouble with that small fry?
Megumin : Go on! Claim the doe-eyed
sacrifice before you!
Dodonko : Why are you so strong?! (0:12:49.77)
Dodonko : Q-Quit it! No! No! (0:12:50.84)
Megumin : We are the ruthless Crimson Demons. (0:12:55.07)
Megumin : Felling a monster that can't
flee should be child's play!
Dodonko : I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, so please stop! (0:13:00.47)
Dodonko : It keeps going, "Kew!" (0:13:03.46)
Megumin : Better to end it quickly, then! (0:13:04.79)
Dodonko : I'm sorry! (0:13:07.01)
Yunyun : Megumin! You're making Dodonko cry! (0:13:07.95)
Dodonko : What was that?! What was that ?! (0:13:28.95)
Arue : So a gargoyle is free... (0:13:31.70)
Arue : Another sign of the Dark God's
impending release?
Megumin : What is a dangerous monster
like that doing here?!
Arue : Most likely, one of the
petrified ornaments got loose.
Yunyun : What exactly is a petrified ornament?! (0:13:42.15)
Arue : The hot new hobby among some
of the adults, apparently.
Nerimaki : Now that you mention it... (0:13:47.20)
Megumin : Why can't those people ever
do anything helpful?!
Bukkorori : Burning Flash! (0:14:03.83)
Bukkorori : Hey! I thought I finally heard
a familiar voice. It's Megumin!
Megumin : B-Bukkorori?! (0:14:23.36)
Dodonko : Wait, who is this? (0:14:24.84)
Yunyun : I think he's... (0:14:26.59)
Bukkorori : Are you girls friends with Megumin? (0:14:28.35)
Bukkorori : I am called Bukkorori! (0:14:32.35)
Bukkorori : Arch wizard, and wielder of advanced magic! (0:14:34.23)
Bukkorori : The son of the foremost cobbler
among the Crimson Demons,
Bukkorori : and he who shall inherit the shoe shop! (0:14:40.32)
Bukkorori : So, would you girls mind
hauling me out of here?
Megumin : I'm more curious about what you're doing in
the middle of the woods, and also, in a hole.
Bukkorori : It's all for Soketto. (0:14:52.92)
Arue : Soketto, as in the foremost
Crimson Demon beauty?
Yunyun : Right. And Bukkorori here is,
er... Soketto's stalker.
Bukkorori : I'm not a stalker!
I'm just honest about my love.
Bukkorori : Yes, it was for that very love
that I dug this pitfall.
Bukkorori : Soketto comes to this forest
every day, by herself, to train.
Bukkorori : She's beautiful, cute, and strong, too?!
You're cheating, Soketto, my dear!
Bukkorori : Now, she prefers to use
lightning attack magic,
Bukkorori : which tends to leave you blinded
right after the flash, right?
Bukkorori : Which means it'd be perfectly natural
for her to fall into a hole that I dug
Bukkorori : without even realizing it! (0:15:31.47)
Bukkorori : She can't use Teleport yet, after all. (0:15:33.56)
Bukkorori : I'm sure she'll be stuck, with no way out. (0:15:36.46)
Bukkorori : Which is when I arrive to save her! (0:15:38.27)
Bukkorori : It was a lot of work to get it
to just the right depth, y'know.
Bukkorori : See? (0:15:45.61)
Bukkorori : Just within arm's reach, right? (0:15:47.91)
Dodonko : That's just plain creepy. (0:16:06.41)
Funifura : Unbelievable... (0:16:07.86)
Yunyun : Gross. (0:16:08.83)
Bukkorori : B-But why?! (0:16:09.78)
Bukkorori : I just wanted a legitimate
way to hold Soketto's hand!
Arue : If only you could redo your
life from the fetal stage.
Bukkorori : From a fetus?! (0:16:18.28)
Megumin : This is a fine place for a landfill. (0:16:19.68)
Bukkorori : Whoa, hang on! Don't leave me! (0:16:21.96)
Bukkorori : Help me out of here, at least! (0:16:23.99)
Bukkorori : Aw, come on! Please! Hey! (0:16:25.77)
Yunyun : O-Oh, no! The village!
What's everyone doing?!
Dodonko : No way! (0:16:41.33)
Pucchin : Light of Saber! (0:16:45.33)
Headmaster : Prized students of our academy... (0:16:52.81)
Dodonko : Teacher! (0:16:55.93)
Pucchin : You girls all right? (0:16:56.79)
Yunyun : W-We are! (0:16:57.84)
Yunyun : But the village... There's a horde
of gargoyles attacking the village!
Nerimaki : If this keeps up... (0:17:02.28)
Pucchin : Right... (0:17:04.30)
Headmaster : Who could have predicted my ornamental
gargoyles causing this disaster?
Arue : Is this the curse of the crimson eyes? (0:17:11.25)
Arue : Or perhaps judgment
delivered to man in his arrogance?
Headmaster : My dear students, worry not. (0:17:18.02)
Headmaster : Before you stands the battle-hardened
Lord of the Red Prison!
Pucchin : And it is not only us who head
into this dance of death!
Chekera : I am called Chekera! (0:17:31.89)
Chekera : Arch wizard and owner of the foremost
clothing store among the Crimson Demons!
Shikobei : I am called Shikobei! (0:17:37.31)
Shikobei : Arch wizard and the foremost fisherman
among the Crimson Demons!
Chakamiya : I am called Chakamiya! (0:17:41.73)
Chakamiya : Arch wizard and owner of the foremost
bakery among the Crimson Demons!
Torosuke : I am called Torosuke! (0:17:46.34)
Torosuke : Arch wizard and owner of the foremost
café among Crimson Demons!
Headmaster : King of the storm! The time has come
to display your despotic grandeur!
Headmaster : Inferno! (0:18:02.95)
Pucchin : Infernal flames that consume creation!
Scorch the foes before me into oblivion!
Pucchin : Energy Ignition! (0:18:09.52)
Funifura : W-Wow! (0:18:17.44)
Dodonko : They're blowing those gargoyles
away as if they were ants!
Arue : All who stand in defiance of the
crimson eyes are reduced to cinders!
Megumin : That's advanced magic... (0:18:27.63)
Nerimaki : We'll be learning amazing magic like
that before we graduate, won't we?
Megumin : It's true that these spells
are all impressive.
Megumin : Devastatingly so. And yet... (0:18:37.62)
Megumin : This isn't it. It's not what I want! (0:18:40.52)
Megumin : Heat that burns your skin, (0:18:45.69)
Megumin : a shock wave that leaves you trembling, (0:18:48.19)
Megumin : the scent of blasted earth... (0:18:50.42)
Megumin : Glaring light that stabs the eyes,
and the painful smoke!
Megumin : Compared to the magic she used... (0:18:56.32)
Megumin : This is completely different,
compared to explosion magic!
Torosuke : Tornado! (0:19:02.95)
Shikobei : Earth Shaker! (0:19:04.06)
Chakamiya : Call of Thunderstorm! (0:19:05.13)
Nerimaki : H-Huh? (0:19:11.12)
Nerimaki : My family's pub... is on fire? (0:19:14.00)
Headmaster : Crimson Laser! (0:19:17.84)
Headmaster : Laser! Laser! Laser! Laser! (0:19:22.83)
Nerimaki : Whoa, hold up! (0:19:23.89)
Funifura : Uh, teachers? Stop! (0:19:25.47)
Yunyun : You've done enough! (0:19:27.91)
Pucchin : Dimension Hell Break! (0:19:29.64)
Pucchin : Burn, burn! The bonfire of
celebration is at hand!
Pucchin : Our beautiful village... (0:19:50.15)
Headmaster : After surviving for countless
eons, the final paradise...
Headmaster : our utopia, once called the
treasure of Dragon's Peak...
Headmaster : has been reduced to this! (0:20:02.01)
Nerimaki : This... was our storefront decoration... (0:20:04.26)
Pucchin : A pox upon the Dark God! (0:20:11.84)
Pucchin : It's trampled our peaceful, modest lives! (0:20:13.81)
Yunyun : Uh, I'm pretty sure you all were
the ones mostly responsible...
Headmaster : At the hands of wicked creatures, (0:20:22.34)
Headmaster : the sky has been dyed red, (0:20:25.36)
Headmaster : the earth has been rent asunder,
and the water has turned foul.
Headmaster : But our Crimson Demon blood cannot
be allowed to die out here!
Headmaster : This is a trial we must overcome! (0:20:35.73)
Pucchin : Headmaster... (0:20:39.28)
Funifura : It's pretty impressive that they were able (0:20:59.23)
Funifura : to rebuild the village after
a single day, huh, Megumin?
Nerimaki : But the headmaster and the others (0:21:05.07)
Nerimaki : got chewed out by the parental association
after what happened, Megumin!
Dodonko : Of course they did! My mom was complaining
about having to do overnight repairs.
Yunyun : Is that really the problem? (0:21:16.75)
Dodonko : Lack of sleep is worse for your
skin than gargoyles, huh, Megumin?
Megumin : Hold on one minute here. (0:21:23.86)
Megumin : Why is this black furball
being called Megumin?
Arue : Well, she's your familiar,
and a fragment of your soul, right?
Nerimaki : And since she doesn't have a name,
it makes sense to call her Megumin.
Nerimaki : Right, Megumin? (0:21:37.52)
Megumin : Please cut that out! Seriously, stop! (0:21:38.72)
Funifura : What's with you? (0:21:41.14)
Funifura : Did your alter ego end up taking your
intellect and reason along with your charm?
Dodonko : Isn't she awful, Megumin? (0:21:47.05)
Yunyun : Big trouble, Megumin! (0:23:25.31)
Yunyun : That alum, Bukkorori, is being weird
and asking for romantic advice!
Megumin : Wow, a completely worthless NEET putting
his creepiness on full display!
Yunyun : That's harsh! Isn't he
like your big brother?
Megumin : I've never once considered
that thing to be my brother.
Yunyun : So mean! N-Next time,
we'll be at your school with an...
Megumin : Explosion! (0:23:39.04)

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