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EXTRA : Doge Suwaru wants to see some boobs
during Rui-sensei's extra lessons.
EXTRA : But before he gets to see them through a
combination of intellect and determination...
EXTRA : maybe he should study more! (0:00:15.96)
EXTRA : Let's dogeza! (0:00:17.57)
Dogeza : Sensei! Can I ask a question? (0:00:20.31)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Sure. What is it? (0:00:22.71)
Dogeza : My grades are so bad, (0:00:24.60)
Dogeza : I know I'm making extra work for you... (0:00:26.33)
Dogeza : I feel really guilty about it. (0:00:29.69)
EXTRA : (If you actually feel guilty, study more!) (0:00:32.99)
Rui Sukiyabashi : You don't need to worry. (0:00:35.58)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Just work hard, and finish
your extra lessons!
Dogeza : You're so amazing, sensei. (0:00:40.29)
Dogeza : Your heart is beautiful, too. (0:00:41.87)
EXTRA : To treat x as an equivalent in 3x²-ca(x²-2x+1)-b(x-1), the integers for a, b, and c must be (0:00:43.52)
EXTRA : (What does that "too" refer to?) (0:00:43.58)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Come on. I don't give points
for flattery, you know!
Dogeza : Sensei! (0:00:48.79)
Rui Sukiyabashi : What? (0:00:49.47)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Why are in a dogeza?! (0:00:50.02)
Dogeza : Please, show me your boobs! (0:00:52.07)
EXTRA : (Here we go!) (0:00:53.60)
Rui Sukiyabashi : What in the world are you saying? (0:00:55.60)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Do you realize what you're asking? (0:00:57.44)
EXTRA : (I seriously doubt he does.) (0:00:59.78)
Rui Sukiyabashi : It's being fixated on that kind of
thing that makes you grades drop!
EXTRA : (I'm so sorry for the trouble
he's causing you...)
Dogeza : Then, if I get better grades, (0:01:06.81)
Dogeza : will you show me your boobs? (0:01:09.88)
Rui Sukiyabashi : If you can get better grades, then sure. (0:01:12.66)
Dogeza : Sensei! (0:01:14.61)
Dogeza : a=3, b=-6, and c=3. (0:01:15.49)
EXTRA : (Hey, he actually did it.) (0:01:20.36)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Then try answering this one! (0:01:21.64)
Rui Sukiyabashi : I'll consider it if you can get it right. (0:01:24.12)
Dogeza : It's 14. (0:01:26.75)
EXTRA : (He really can do it!) (0:01:29.05)
Rui Sukiyabashi : You normally never give
right answers! Why now?!
Rui Sukiyabashi : How about this one? (0:01:34.68)
Dogeza : It's h-4, with a greatest value of 64/3. (0:01:35.86)
Rui Sukiyabashi : No way! (0:01:39.53)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Wh-What about this?! (0:01:40.75)
Dogeza : Here you are. (0:01:43.06)
EXTRA : (Is he a genius?!) (0:01:43.72)
Rui Sukiyabashi : I-Impossible! (0:01:44.79)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Have you been getting bad grades
on purpose up until now?!
EXTRA : (That'd be a lot of effort
for something so silly...)
Dogeza : If it's to see your breasts, sensei, (0:01:51.94)
Dogeza : I assure you my grades can get even better. (0:01:54.61)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Honestly... Don't tell anyone
else about this, okay?
Rui Sukiyabashi : Hey, what do you think about
this university program?
Rui Sukiyabashi : I'll be rooting for you!
And after school we can...
Rui Sukiyabashi : Wait, why are you running?! (0:03:25.51)
Rui Sukiyabashi : Hey! Wait a second! (0:03:27.09)

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