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Puck : Die. (0:00:12.47)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : My brain trembles... (0:00:19.63)
Subaru Natsuki : Puck! (0:00:22.70)
Puck : Be quiet, Subaru. (0:00:23.71)
Puck : I don't care what you— (0:00:25.63)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Complacency! Negligence! That is sloth! (0:00:32.10)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : You should have killed me right away! (0:00:35.00)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Even with the power you have, (0:00:39.02)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : you failed to do what you needed to do! (0:00:40.94)
Puck : Foolishness. (0:00:44.27)
Puck : If you truly want to kill me... (0:00:48.02)
Puck : Then grow a thousand shadows,
half of what Satella could...
Subaru Natsuki : Are you... Puck? (0:01:04.92)
Puck : Can't you tell? (0:01:08.39)
Puck : Maybe it's cruel of me to ask that. (0:01:10.30)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Unbelievable... (0:01:14.88)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : This is unbelievable! (0:01:16.57)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : It cannot be! (0:01:18.60)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : A mere spirit... (0:01:20.64)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : My faith... (0:01:21.95)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Everything I've devoted my love to... (0:01:23.31)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : At the hands of a mere spirit— (0:01:25.13)
Puck : A human who's only lived a few decades
shouldn't talk to a spirit about time.
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Time has nothing to do with
the depth of one's faith!
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : I wish you wouldn't liken me (0:01:35.07)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : to a fool like you, a being
that lives for eternity,
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : but wastes most of it in idleness! (0:01:41.03)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Ah, my brain is tremblinglinglingling... (0:01:43.63)
Puck : Death isn't even a punishment. (0:01:47.19)
Puck : This is why I hate all of you. (0:01:49.98)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : The Ordeal has been completed. (0:01:52.85)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : Even if my body dies, (0:01:55.07)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : my wishes will be called to
the exalted witch's side.
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : And I'll receive her love. (0:01:59.79)
Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti : I look forward to our reunion! (0:02:01.31)
Puck : He quit while he was ahead. (0:02:05.63)
Puck : Now, shall we have a little talk? (0:02:10.78)
Puck : Subaru, you have committed three sins. (0:02:13.71)
Puck : First, you broke your promise to Lia. (0:02:17.73)
Puck : You don't seem to understand
how important a promise is
Puck : to a spirit-arts user. (0:02:26.47)
Puck : Second, you ignored Lia's
wishes and returned here.
Puck : And third... (0:02:33.78)
Puck : You let Lia die! (0:02:37.32)
Puck : In accordance with my contract, (0:02:41.04)
Puck : I will now destroy the world. (0:02:42.92)
Subaru Natsuki : Why? (0:02:45.33)
Puck : Lia is... (0:02:47.91)
Puck : Emilia is my entire reason for existing. (0:02:49.99)
Puck : There is no reason for me to
exist in a world without her.
Puck : The fog is coming closer. (0:02:57.78)
Puck : It looks like a troublesome
one has been drawn here.
Puck : Gluttony... (0:03:03.51)
Puck : Oh, I suppose they call
it the White Whale now.
Puck : You called it here, let Lia die, (0:03:08.40)
Puck : and now, you die yourself. (0:03:10.80)
Puck : You really are useless. (0:03:14.16)
Subaru Natsuki : I've heard this laugh before. (0:03:19.95)
Subaru Natsuki : The voice of a man I hated to death. (0:03:22.57)
Subaru Natsuki : No... It's me. (0:03:26.59)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm laughing at myself. (0:03:29.67)
Subaru Natsuki : I let Rem die, killed Emilia, (0:03:31.90)
Subaru Natsuki : and now, I'm going to die in vain. (0:03:34.46)
Subaru Natsuki : I really am so... (0:03:37.29)
Puck : You truly are slothful, Subaru. (0:03:40.97)
Rem : Subaru-kun? (0:03:48.38)
Rem : What's the matter? (0:03:49.82)
Subaru Natsuki : Rem... (0:03:52.59)
Rem : Yes, I'm your Rem. (0:03:53.85)
Rem : I'm sorry I didn't notice... (0:03:58.14)
Rem : This crowd is tiring you, isn't it? (0:04:00.73)
Subaru Natsuki : Tired. (0:04:03.40)
Subaru Natsuki : Yeah, that's right... (0:04:05.46)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm out of energy, worn down... (0:04:08.48)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm tired. (0:04:10.83)
Rem : Subaru-kun! (0:04:27.05)
Subaru Natsuki : Sorry about that... (0:04:35.87)
Subaru Natsuki : I was feeling kind of stressed, (0:04:37.71)
Subaru Natsuki : so I skipped out on explaining. (0:04:40.17)
Subaru Natsuki : Sorry. (0:04:42.69)
Rem : Really, you mustn't do that... (0:04:43.36)
Rem : I realize that you are giving a great
deal of thought to our situation.
Rem : But I don't dislike it when
you are so forceful.
Subaru Natsuki : Sorry that I worried you. (0:04:53.35)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm fine now. (0:04:55.16)
Subaru Natsuki : I guess you've seen me just being pathetic,
depressed all the time...
Subaru Natsuki : But I get it now. (0:05:01.32)
Rem : You get it now? (0:05:03.92)
Subaru Natsuki : I've bothered a lot of people (0:05:06.66)
Subaru Natsuki : with all my contemplating and agonizing, (0:05:08.76)
Subaru Natsuki : but I finally figured out how
to take care of everything.
Subaru Natsuki : Or, when I really think about it, (0:05:14.59)
Subaru Natsuki : I was told what to do from the very start. (0:05:17.28)
Subaru Natsuki : But I don't know when to give up... (0:05:20.24)
Rem : But I think that is what's so
wonderful about you.
Subaru Natsuki : Things I've realized
and been forced to realize...
Subaru Natsuki : All kinds of experiences have brought me here, (0:05:31.61)
Subaru Natsuki : but I've actually had the
answer for a long time...
Subaru Natsuki : I've decided, Rem. (0:05:40.80)
Rem : Yes? (0:05:43.23)
Subaru Natsuki : Run away with me. (0:05:46.42)
Subaru Natsuki : As far as we can go. (0:05:48.58)
Rem : Huh? (0:05:53.30)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm going to leave the
capital, to head far west.
Subaru Natsuki : Or maybe north. (0:05:57.62)
Rem : Um... (0:05:58.76)
Subaru Natsuki : I heard no one can enter the southern kingdom, (0:05:59.42)
Subaru Natsuki : so one of those two. (0:06:01.66)
Subaru Natsuki : I don't like cold weather, (0:06:03.01)
Subaru Natsuki : so I'd personally recommend west. (0:06:04.56)
Rem : Ah, um... (0:06:06.21)
Subaru Natsuki : Honestly, it could be a long journey, (0:06:07.52)
Subaru Natsuki : and I know this is a snap decision, (0:06:10.03)
Subaru Natsuki : so it won't be easy— (0:06:12.00)
Rem : P-Please wait! (0:06:13.23)
Rem : The way you said that makes it sound as if (0:06:15.63)
Rem : you plan to go to some other
country that isn't Lugunica...
Rem : Oh! (0:06:23.58)
Rem : Knowing you, it must be because
you've had another great idea!
Rem : Something that will help Emilia-sama
and Roswaal-sama!
Subaru Natsuki : That's not what this is, Rem. (0:06:32.65)
Subaru Natsuki : There's nothing I can do in the capital. (0:06:36.03)
Subaru Natsuki : But I'd be just as powerless if
I went back to the mansion.
Subaru Natsuki : That's what I figured out. (0:06:43.85)
Subaru Natsuki : So run away with me, Rem. (0:06:46.33)
Subaru Natsuki : We can't stay here. (0:06:49.94)
Subaru Natsuki : That's what everyone has been telling me. (0:06:52.05)
Subaru Natsuki : I didn't want to believe it, (0:06:54.99)
Subaru Natsuki : so I've denied it with all my might, but... (0:06:56.94)
Subaru Natsuki : Yeah, they're right. (0:06:59.74)
Subaru Natsuki : No one ever needed me. (0:07:01.46)
Rem : That's not— (0:07:03.72)
Subaru Natsuki : It is true! (0:07:04.56)
Subaru Natsuki : It's been spelled out for me, over and over... (0:07:06.26)
Subaru Natsuki : That's why I've decided to just disappear. (0:07:10.90)
Subaru Natsuki : It's for the best. (0:07:13.84)
Subaru Natsuki : Anything I do will just lead to a dead body... (0:07:14.70)
Subaru Natsuki : Or maybe more, depending on what happens. (0:07:18.08)
Subaru Natsuki : I've had enough. (0:07:21.65)
Subaru Natsuki : Let's run, Rem. (0:07:23.82)
Subaru Natsuki : You and I can't stay here. (0:07:25.39)
Subaru Natsuki : We shouldn't be in this country! (0:07:28.09)
Rem : But this is so sudden... (0:07:30.19)
Subaru Natsuki : We don't have time! (0:07:33.18)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm sorry it's sudden, I really am. (0:07:34.77)
Subaru Natsuki : I really, really am. (0:07:37.45)
Subaru Natsuki : But you have to choose. (0:07:40.89)
Rem : Choose? (0:07:42.70)
Subaru Natsuki : Me? Or someone else? (0:07:44.11)
Subaru Natsuki : Choose. (0:07:46.78)
Subaru Natsuki : Let's get a dragon-drawn
carriage and head west.
Subaru Natsuki : We'll leave Lugunica and go far
west... To Kararagi, was it?
Subaru Natsuki : We'll buy a little house
and live there together.
Subaru Natsuki : Even if bad things happen, (0:07:59.85)
Subaru Natsuki : I can keep going if you're there. (0:08:01.42)
Subaru Natsuki : Just having someone waiting at
home for me with a smile...
Subaru Natsuki : No matter how tired I am, (0:08:06.89)
Subaru Natsuki : if I know you're waiting for me, I know... (0:08:08.23)
Subaru Natsuki : Please choose me! (0:08:13.21)
Subaru Natsuki : If you choose me, I'll
give you all that I have!
Subaru Natsuki : So please... (0:08:19.53)
Subaru Natsuki : Run away with me. (0:08:21.51)
Subaru Natsuki : Live with me! (0:08:23.21)
Rem : Subaru-kun... (0:08:30.53)
Rem : I cannot run away with you. (0:08:33.31)
Rem : We're supposed to laugh together, (0:08:37.16)
Rem : as we talk about the future, remember? (0:08:39.95)
Subaru Natsuki : Maybe we can't laugh now, but... (0:08:43.69)
Subaru Natsuki : You know, once we actually get moving, (0:08:48.00)
Subaru Natsuki : I bet we can— (0:08:50.94)
Rem : I have thought about it, too. (0:08:51.40)
Rem : We would arrive in Kararagi, (0:08:57.06)
Rem : and rent a place to stay. (0:08:58.86)
Rem : As long as we had a home and work, (0:09:00.81)
Rem : we would get by somehow. (0:09:03.66)
Rem : Fortunately, thanks to Roswaal-sama,
I have received an education,
Rem : so I think I could easily find
work, even in Kararagi.
Rem : You might have to either
look for manual labor
Rem : or take care of things around me. (0:09:18.14)
Rem : Once we had a stable income, (0:09:22.76)
Rem : we could look for a better place to live. (0:09:24.74)
Rem : In the meantime, you could study (0:09:27.63)
Rem : for perhaps a year, so that you can find (0:09:29.56)
Rem : a decent job, until you can actually work. (0:09:33.19)
Rem : We would work together. (0:09:37.48)
Rem : And once we had enough money,
perhaps we could buy a house.
Rem : Maybe we could even open a shop. (0:09:43.82)
Rem : After all, Kararagi is a
thriving commercial area.
Rem : I'm sure we could earn a living
on one of your fanciful ideas.
Rem : And once our jobs were on track... (0:09:53.16)
Rem : Um, it's embarrassing to say, (0:09:55.47)
Rem : but we could have a child. (0:09:57.90)
Rem : It would be half-demon and half-human, (0:09:59.55)
Rem : so I'm certain it would be feisty. (0:10:01.61)
Rem : Whether we have a boy or a girl, (0:10:03.92)
Rem : twins or even triplets, (0:10:06.08)
Rem : I know they would be adorable. (0:10:07.49)
Rem : I'm sure it wouldn't be all fun times. (0:10:10.61)
Rem : And not everything would
work out as I imagined it.
Rem : We might have only daughters and no sons, (0:10:17.84)
Rem : so you might not feel very
proud of your family.
Subaru Natsuki : Rem... (0:10:26.37)
Rem : But... But... Even when the children grow (0:10:27.08)
Rem : and reach the age where they
start to treat you coldly,
Rem : I shall still be on your side! (0:10:32.97)
Rem : We will be famous in the neighborhood
as a couple of old lovebirds,
Rem : as we take our time spending life
together and growing old...
Subaru Natsuki : Rem... (0:10:44.01)
Rem : I would feel bad for doing it to you, (0:10:45.03)
Rem : but I would prefer to die
before you, if possible.
Rem : I want to die quietly, (0:10:50.65)
Rem : lying on our bed, with your hand in mine, (0:10:51.95)
Rem : surrounded by our children and their children. (0:10:54.24)
Rem : To say, "I was so happy," (0:10:57.31)
Rem : as you all look on... (0:11:01.07)
Rem : I could end my life happily, so happily. (0:11:04.81)
Subaru Natsuki : If you... (0:11:10.11)
Subaru Natsuki : If you want it that badly, then... (0:11:11.95)
Rem : If you could wish for that
future with a smile,
Rem : I would be truly happy to die that way... (0:11:20.63)
Rem : As long as I could live with you. (0:11:26.08)
Rem : Just knowing that you want me
with you when you run away
Rem : makes me happy, from the bottom of my heart. (0:11:34.20)
Rem : But I cannot. (0:11:36.76)
Rem : Because I know (0:11:39.24)
Rem : that if we run away together now, (0:11:40.95)
Rem : I would be leaving behind the
Subaru-kun that I love most.
Rem : Subaru-kun, (0:11:49.51)
Rem : please tell me what happened. (0:11:51.36)
Rem : If you cannot, please trust me. (0:11:54.75)
Rem : I swear I shall do something to make it right. (0:11:57.51)
Rem : But for now, at least, we should go back. (0:12:01.93)
Rem : If we take our time,
and consider things calmly,
Rem : maybe we will find a different answer. (0:12:07.32)
Subaru Natsuki : I've already agonized over this. (0:12:10.72)
Subaru Natsuki : I've thought about it. (0:12:12.70)
Subaru Natsuki : I've suffered. (0:12:13.96)
Subaru Natsuki : That's why I gave up. (0:12:15.74)
Rem : It's easy to give up, but... (0:12:19.99)
Subaru Natsuki : It's easy to give up? (0:12:24.76)
Rem : Subaru-kun? (0:12:27.54)
Subaru Natsuki : Don't give me that! (0:12:28.42)
Subaru Natsuki : There's nothing easy about giving up! (0:12:30.04)
Subaru Natsuki : You think I'm just doing nothing, (0:12:34.22)
Subaru Natsuki : thinking about nothing, (0:12:35.87)
Subaru Natsuki : cutting myself off from everything, (0:12:37.45)
Subaru Natsuki : and throwing everything away! (0:12:38.82)
Subaru Natsuki : And that's all it took to give up?! (0:12:41.33)
Subaru Natsuki : It was not easy to give up! (0:12:46.10)
Subaru Natsuki : It was so much easier for me to think (0:12:49.34)
Subaru Natsuki : there was something I could do! (0:12:52.07)
Subaru Natsuki : But there's nothing I can do... (0:12:55.32)
Subaru Natsuki : There's no way out! (0:12:57.53)
Subaru Natsuki : The only path everything
leads to is giving up!
Subaru Natsuki : If I could do something, (0:13:02.27)
Subaru Natsuki : I would... I would... (0:13:04.39)
Rem : Subaru-kun... (0:13:08.16)
Rem : It is easy to give up. (0:13:11.47)
Rem : But it doesn't suit you. (0:13:14.43)
Rem : I do not know what painful things
you've been through,
Rem : or what you have done to make you suffer so. (0:13:22.77)
Rem : And I know it would be wrong of me (0:13:28.16)
Rem : to thoughtlessly say I understand. (0:13:30.30)
Rem : But... But even so... (0:13:33.49)
Rem : There is something that I do know. (0:13:36.24)
Rem : I know that you're someone who cannot
give up on something halfway through.
Rem : I know that you are someone who can smile (0:13:46.92)
Rem : when you talk about your
wishes for the future.
Rem : I know... (0:13:55.00)
Rem : I know that you are someone who
cannot give up on the future.
Subaru Natsuki : You're wrong. (0:14:01.27)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm not that kind of— (0:14:02.96)
Rem : I am not wrong. (0:14:05.45)
Rem : You haven't given up on anyone. (0:14:06.83)
Rem : Not Emilia-sama or Sister. (0:14:08.82)
Rem : Or Roswaal-sama, or Beatrice-sama,
or anyone else.
Subaru Natsuki : I have... I have given up! (0:14:17.08)
Subaru Natsuki : Carrying it all was impossible from the start! (0:14:19.90)
Subaru Natsuki : My hands are so small, (0:14:23.09)
Subaru Natsuki : that it all slipped through
my fingers, leaving nothing.
Rem : No, that isn't true. You have— (0:14:28.16)
Subaru Natsuki : What do you know?! (0:14:31.37)
Subaru Natsuki : What do you know about me?! (0:14:34.18)
Subaru Natsuki : This is the kind of man I am! (0:14:37.63)
Subaru Natsuki : I have no strength, but I want it all. (0:14:40.25)
Subaru Natsuki : I have no knowledge, but all I do is dream. (0:14:42.67)
Subaru Natsuki : There's nothing I can do,
but I struggle in vain!
Subaru Natsuki : I... I... (0:14:49.11)
Subaru Natsuki : I hate myself! (0:14:51.43)
Subaru Natsuki : All I do is talk a big game, (0:14:54.78)
Subaru Natsuki : and make myself sound like a big shot,
when I can't do anything!
Subaru Natsuki : I never do anything, (0:14:59.95)
Subaru Natsuki : yet I can complain like a pro. (0:15:01.80)
Subaru Natsuki : Who do I think I am?! (0:15:04.25)
Subaru Natsuki : It's amazing that I can live like
this and not feel ashamed!
Subaru Natsuki : Right?! (0:15:10.06)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm empty... (0:15:11.88)
Subaru Natsuki : There's nothing in me at all! (0:15:13.43)
Subaru Natsuki : I know that... (0:15:15.49)
Subaru Natsuki : Yeah, that's obvious... (0:15:17.45)
Subaru Natsuki : I know it's obvious. (0:15:19.31)
Subaru Natsuki : Before I came here... (0:15:21.78)
Subaru Natsuki : Before I got into the situation
that led me to all of you,
Subaru Natsuki : do you have any idea what I did? (0:15:26.08)
Subaru Natsuki : I did nothing... (0:15:29.37)
Subaru Natsuki : I've never done a single thing. (0:15:31.65)
Subaru Natsuki : I had all that time, all that freedom... (0:15:34.89)
Subaru Natsuki : I could have done anything, (0:15:38.20)
Subaru Natsuki : but I never did a thing. (0:15:40.33)
Subaru Natsuki : And this is the result! What I
am now is the result!
Subaru Natsuki : All of my powerlessness,
all of my incompetence,
Subaru Natsuki : is the product of my rotten character. (0:15:48.99)
Subaru Natsuki : Wanting to accomplish something,
when I've never done anything,
Subaru Natsuki : goes beyond the limits of arrogance! (0:15:56.09)
Subaru Natsuki : The cost of my laziness and all
the wasteful habits in my life
Subaru Natsuki : just ends up killing both you and me. (0:16:03.20)
Subaru Natsuki : That's right. (0:16:07.85)
Subaru Natsuki : I have no character. (0:16:09.12)
Subaru Natsuki : Even when I thought I could go on
living here, nothing changed...
Subaru Natsuki : That old man saw that part of me perfectly. (0:16:16.00)
Subaru Natsuki : Right? (0:16:19.99)
Subaru Natsuki : I wasn't trying to get stronger, (0:16:21.13)
Subaru Natsuki : or trying to make things better. (0:16:23.42)
Subaru Natsuki : I was just striking an obvious
pose, to justify myself,
Subaru Natsuki : to say that I was trying, that it wasn't
like I wasn't doing anything.
Subaru Natsuki : I wanted to say I couldn't help it. (0:16:36.08)
Subaru Natsuki : I wanted to be told that
it couldn't be helped!
Subaru Natsuki : I only pretended to push my body to the
limit, so that would be possible!
Subaru Natsuki : Even when I had you help me study, (0:16:45.99)
Subaru Natsuki : I was just posing to cover up
how embarrassed I felt!
Subaru Natsuki : At heart, (0:16:52.69)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm just a small, cowardly,
filthy piece of trash,
Subaru Natsuki : who's always worried about how
others see me. And nothing...
Subaru Natsuki : Nothing about me has changed! (0:17:02.29)
Subaru Natsuki : I knew it all along. (0:17:09.77)
Subaru Natsuki : That all of it was my fault... (0:17:12.04)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm the lowest of the low. (0:17:15.03)
Subaru Natsuki : I absolutely hate myself... (0:17:17.98)
Rem : I know... (0:17:25.26)
Rem : That no matter how deeply you
have fallen into darkness,
Rem : you still have the courage
to reach out your hand.
Rem : I love it when you stroke my hair. (0:17:36.34)
Rem : I feel as if we can understand each other (0:17:39.84)
Rem : through the contact between
your hand and my hair.
Rem : I love your voice. (0:17:45.69)
Rem : Just hearing you say one word (0:17:47.98)
Rem : makes my heart feel warmer. (0:17:49.50)
Rem : I love your eyes. (0:17:52.88)
Rem : Normally, they look stern, (0:17:55.18)
Rem : but when you're being kind to someone, (0:17:57.12)
Rem : I love the way they soften. (0:17:59.71)
Rem : I love your fingers. (0:18:03.29)
Rem : For a boy, you have such lovely fingers. (0:18:05.63)
Rem : But when they clutch mine,
I know they are the strong,
Rem : slender fingers of a man. (0:18:12.22)
Rem : I love the way you walk. (0:18:15.07)
Rem : When we walk together, (0:18:17.68)
Rem : I love the way you occasionally turn,
to make sure I keep up.
Subaru Natsuki : Stop... (0:18:25.77)
Rem : I love the way you look when you sleep. (0:18:26.87)
Rem : You look unguarded, like an infant, (0:18:29.30)
Rem : and your eyelashes are on the long side. (0:18:31.32)
Rem : When I touch your cheek, you calm down... (0:18:33.59)
Rem : And when I playfully touch your
lips, you don't even notice...
Rem : And it makes my heart ache terribly. (0:18:39.68)
Rem : I love you. (0:18:42.62)
Subaru Natsuki : Why? (0:18:44.49)
Rem : When you said that you hate yourself, (0:18:46.42)
Rem : it made me want to tell you (0:18:50.32)
Rem : all the wonderful things I know about you. (0:18:53.04)
Subaru Natsuki : That was all phony. (0:18:56.11)
Subaru Natsuki : You just don't know me! (0:18:58.33)
Subaru Natsuki : I know myself better than anyone! (0:19:00.35)
Rem : All you know is yourself! (0:19:04.07)
Rem : How much do you know about
the Subaru-kun that I see?!
Subaru Natsuki : Why... do you like me so much? (0:19:14.42)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm... (0:19:18.33)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm weak and small. (0:19:20.00)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm running away. (0:19:22.30)
Subaru Natsuki : Just like I ran away last time! (0:19:23.37)
Subaru Natsuki : So why? (0:19:25.90)
Rem : Because you are my hero, Subaru-kun! (0:19:28.59)
Rem : In that dark forest, (0:19:35.34)
Rem : when I didn't even know who I was anymore (0:19:37.08)
Rem : and couldn't think of anything
but violently lashing out,
Rem : you saved me. (0:19:42.95)
Rem : When I woke up unable to move, (0:19:45.00)
Rem : and Sister was exhausted after
using too much magic,
Rem : you faced the mabeasts as a diversion,
so we could escape.
Rem : There was no way you could win, (0:19:53.92)
Rem : and your life was in real danger. (0:19:55.17)
Rem : But you still stayed, (0:19:57.59)
Rem : and came back to my arms, still warm. (0:19:59.57)
Rem : When you woke up, you smiled, (0:20:04.15)
Rem : and said the words I wanted to hear most, (0:20:06.15)
Rem : when I wanted to hear them most, (0:20:08.40)
Rem : from the one I wanted most to hear them from. (0:20:10.30)
Rem : My time has been stopped for so long. (0:20:14.10)
Rem : Ever since that fiery night, (0:20:17.86)
Rem : the night I lost everything except my sister, (0:20:19.79)
Rem : my time has been stopped... (0:20:23.03)
Rem : It was you who melted my frozen heart, (0:20:27.04)
Rem : and kindly made my stopped
time begin to move forward again!
Rem : I'm sure you have no idea how you saved me, (0:20:36.46)
Rem : or how happy I was at that
moment, on that morning.
Rem : That's why I believe. (0:20:46.75)
Rem : No matter what painful things happen, (0:20:50.24)
Rem : even when it looks like you'll lose... (0:20:52.94)
Rem : When no one else in the world believes in you, (0:20:55.74)
Rem : when you don't even believe in yourself... (0:20:59.02)
Rem : I will believe! (0:21:02.95)
Rem : That the Subaru-kun who saved me (0:21:11.91)
Rem : is a true hero. (0:21:14.90)
Subaru Natsuki : No matter how hard I tried, (0:21:30.96)
Subaru Natsuki : I couldn't save anyone... (0:21:33.12)
Rem : I am here. (0:21:35.33)
Rem : The Rem you saved is right here. (0:21:37.07)
Subaru Natsuki : I've never done anything. I'm empty. (0:21:41.71)
Subaru Natsuki : No one will even listen to me. (0:21:45.03)
Rem : I am here. (0:21:47.88)
Rem : I will listen to anything you have to say. (0:21:49.38)
Rem : I want to. (0:21:52.39)
Subaru Natsuki : No one expects anything of me. (0:21:54.52)
Subaru Natsuki : No one believes in me. (0:21:57.09)
Subaru Natsuki : I hate myself. (0:22:00.84)
Rem : Well, I love you, Subaru-kun! (0:22:05.88)
Subaru Natsuki : You really don't mind that it's me? (0:22:13.94)
Rem : I want it to be you. (0:22:17.05)
Rem : I would not want for it to be anyone else. (0:22:20.00)
Rem : If you cannot forgive yourself (0:22:24.73)
Rem : for being empty and having nothing, (0:22:27.53)
Rem : then let us start from here, right now. (0:22:29.91)
Subaru Natsuki : Start what? (0:22:32.75)
Rem : Just like you started my time for me
when it was stopped,
Rem : we will make the time that
you feel is stopped for you
Rem : begin to move again. (0:22:42.17)
Rem : Let us start here. (0:22:44.71)
Rem : From square one. (0:22:48.13)
Rem : No, (0:22:50.45)
Rem : from zero! (0:22:52.49)
Rem : If it is too hard for you to walk alone, (0:22:58.33)
Rem : I will hold you up. (0:23:00.62)
Rem : As we walk, we will share the burden
and support each other.
Rem : Wasn't this what you said to me that morning? (0:23:06.43)
Rem : Show me how awesome you can be, Subaru-kun. (0:23:10.57)
Subaru Natsuki : Rem... (0:23:16.89)
Rem : Yes? (0:23:18.40)
Subaru Natsuki : I love Emilia. (0:23:22.57)
Rem : Yes. (0:23:27.47)
Subaru Natsuki : I want to see Emilia smile. (0:23:29.42)
Subaru Natsuki : I want to be of help to Emilia's future. (0:23:31.80)
Subaru Natsuki : Even if she says I'm in the way, (0:23:34.60)
Subaru Natsuki : even if she tells me to stay away... (0:23:36.44)
Subaru Natsuki : I want to be next to her. (0:23:40.02)
Subaru Natsuki : Using my feelings for her as an excuse, (0:23:43.47)
Subaru Natsuki : to get her to understand everything (0:23:46.57)
Subaru Natsuki : was arrogant of me, huh? (0:23:49.70)
Subaru Natsuki : It's okay if she doesn't understand. (0:23:52.95)
Subaru Natsuki : I just want to save her. (0:23:55.36)
Subaru Natsuki : If there's a bleak,
painful future waiting for her,
Subaru Natsuki : I want to take her away to a future
where we can all laugh together!
Subaru Natsuki : Will you help me? (0:24:07.37)
Subaru Natsuki : I can't do anything alone. (0:24:10.80)
Subaru Natsuki : I lack in everything. (0:24:12.94)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm not confident that I can
even keep walking straight.
Subaru Natsuki : I'm weak, fragile, and small. (0:24:17.47)
Subaru Natsuki : So, to make sure I keep walking straight, (0:24:20.97)
Subaru Natsuki : to help me realize when I'm wrong, (0:24:24.06)
Subaru Natsuki : will you help me? (0:24:26.13)
Rem : You are a cruel man, Subaru-kun. (0:24:31.14)
Rem : You ask all this of someone you just rejected? (0:24:33.79)
Subaru Natsuki : Hey, it's also hard for me to ask
this of the one who rejected
Subaru Natsuki : my once-in-a-lifetime proposal. (0:24:41.37)
Rem : I humbly accept. (0:24:54.88)
Rem : If it will help you, (0:24:57.59)
Rem : my hero, (0:25:00.41)
Rem : greet the future with a smile, then yes. (0:25:02.49)
Subaru Natsuki : Yeah, just watch. (0:25:06.38)
Subaru Natsuki : You get a front row seat... (0:25:08.91)
Subaru Natsuki : To see the man you fell for (0:25:15.58)
Subaru Natsuki : become the most awesome hero ever! (0:25:17.64)
Subaru Natsuki : I'm watching you. (0:25:31.90)
Subaru Natsuki : You're watching me. (0:25:34.60)
Subaru Natsuki : So I won't look downward. (0:25:37.22)
Subaru Natsuki : Natsuki Subaru's story will begin
right here, from zero.
Subaru Natsuki : My life in another world
starts here, from zero!

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