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Shino Kiryuu : Mukai Naoya-kun. (0:00:17.88)
Shino Kiryuu : So honest and studious,
you might even call him an idiot.
Shino Kiryuu : And... (0:00:24.92)
Shino Kiryuu : My best friend, Sakisaki,
is in a relationship with him.
Shino Kiryuu : Or so I thought... (0:00:31.99)
Shino Kiryuu : But it turns out that he's also (0:00:34.31)
Shino Kiryuu : in a relationship with their
classmate, Minase Nagisa-san.
Shino Kiryuu : He's two-timing them! (0:00:44.19)
Shino Kiryuu : There's no way such infidelity is acceptable! (0:00:46.06)
Shino Kiryuu : Not to mention Hoshizaki-san, from an
entirely different class, going after him!
Shino Kiryuu : Mukai-kun is a bit odd, but I always
believed he was an upright person.
Shino Kiryuu : You aren't allowed to fall in love
with anyone besides Sakisaki...
Shino Kiryuu : Otherwise... (0:01:14.60)
Shino Kiryuu : He's my friend's boyfriend... (0:01:17.41)
Shino Kiryuu : How could I give up on you? (0:01:20.01)
Shino Kiryuu : Sakisaki? (0:01:25.70)
Saki Saki : Hello? Shino? (0:01:29.13)
Shino Kiryuu : I don't want to talk to you right now. (0:01:30.94)
Saki Saki : Um, er... (0:01:34.01)
Shino Kiryuu : What? (0:01:37.56)
Shino Kiryuu : If you have nothing to say... (0:01:40.04)
Saki Saki : No! Shino! (0:01:41.21)
Saki Saki : Naoya's buck-naked and sniffing
Nagisa-chan's panties!
Shino Kiryuu : Wha?! (0:01:48.00)
Naoya Mukai : Thank you for coming. (0:03:27.00)
Shino Kiryuu : Stop it with your silly lies. (0:03:29.31)
Saki Saki : Sorry. (0:03:31.22)
Shino Kiryuu : So why should I have to help Minase-san study? (0:03:32.85)
Naoya Mukai : Well... (0:03:39.41)
Saki Saki : Summer break's coming up! (0:03:45.99)
Saki Saki : Summer break means festivals and
fireworks and going to the beach!
Saki Saki : Plenty of events where couples get closer! (0:03:51.84)
Saki Saki : I'm gonna be competitive
when it comes to Naoya-kun!
Nagisa Minase : Of course! No holding back! (0:03:58.82)
Saki Saki : Naoya, are you ready for this? (0:04:01.07)
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan, you know I recently
started a part-time job, right?
Saki Saki : Yeah. (0:04:08.06)
Saki Saki : The convenience store, right? (0:04:09.40)
Naoya Mukai : Would you like a bag? (0:04:10.45)
Naoya Mukai : I'm using up all my savings during the break! (0:04:12.05)
Saki Saki : Naoya! (0:04:15.48)
Nagisa Minase : I'll contribute, too. (0:04:17.12)
Saki Saki : Let's make this the best summer ever! (0:04:19.03)
Nagisa Minase : Yeah! (0:04:21.56)
Naoya Mukai : Oh, but don't forget, there are
exams before the break.
Saki Saki : Right where it hurts... (0:04:28.13)
Saki Saki : Starting Monday, right? (0:04:31.34)
Saki Saki : Meh, I'm sure we can
last-minute it like always.
Naoya Mukai : You can't let your guard down, Saki-chan! (0:04:37.08)
Naoya Mukai : If you fail three end-of-term exams, (0:04:39.50)
Naoya Mukai : you'll have remedial classes every day.
Summer break canceled!
Naoya Mukai : If you end up with remedial classes,
our summer break plans will be ruined!
Saki Saki : Nah, I'm not dumb enough to fail three exams. (0:04:50.80)
Nagisa Minase : I'm sorry I'm so dumb! (0:04:58.31)
Naoya Mukai : How much exam prep have you done? (0:05:02.18)
Nagisa Minase : W-Well... (0:05:04.28)
Nagisa Minase : I was so happy cooking
for you and stuff that...
Nagisa Minase : I haven't studied at all. (0:05:12.72)
Naoya Mukai : I'll teach you! Let's do this! (0:05:20.42)
Nagisa Minase : Th-Thank you! (0:05:22.14)
Naoya Mukai : Memorize dates and years with sheer willpower! (0:05:26.51)
Nagisa Minase : Okay! (0:05:28.84)
Naoya Mukai : For English, keep writing vocabulary
over and over until you memorize it!
Nagisa Minase : O-Okay! (0:05:31.66)
Naoya Mukai : For math, memorize all the formulas you can
and find the ones that match by brute force!
Nagisa Minase : U-Um... (0:05:36.11)
Nagisa Minase : I don't mean any offense, but... (0:05:38.37)
Nagisa Minase : Do you have any study techniques that
aren't just about toughing it out?!
Naoya Mukai : I'm sorry I'm so dense! (0:05:46.70)
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan, could you help me help her study? (0:05:49.74)
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan? (0:05:57.06)
Saki Saki : Nagisa-chan, you said I don't need to
hold back when it comes to Naoya.
Saki Saki : If Nagisa-chan ends up with remedial classes... (0:06:07.06)
Saki Saki : I get to have Naoya to myself for the summer. (0:06:11.89)
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan?! (0:06:14.49)
Saki Saki : Nah, I'm just kidding. (0:06:15.87)
Saki Saki : Let's see... (0:06:19.54)
Saki Saki : The largest city of the
Indus Valley Civilization?
Saki Saki : It's Roppongi Hills. (0:06:24.73)
Nagisa Minase : Got it! (0:06:26.38)
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan, please don't teach her lies! (0:06:27.12)
Naoya Mukai : We aren't going fast enough. (0:06:33.80)
Naoya Mukai : If only we had someone
who's better at school...
Saki Saki : Shino's super studious. (0:06:40.90)
Saki Saki : But it's been pretty awkward with her ever
since she found out about our relationship.
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan, we don't have a choice! (0:06:47.55)
Saki Saki : But there's no telling what she might say! (0:06:49.66)
Nagisa Minase : It'll be fine. (0:06:53.75)
Nagisa Minase : I'll do my best. (0:06:55.72)
Nagisa Minase : It's going to be my first
summer with Naoya-kun.
Nagisa Minase : There's so much I want to do with you. (0:07:03.71)
Naoya Mukai : Minase-san... (0:07:09.10)
Saki Saki : Nagisa-chan... (0:07:12.34)
Saki Saki : You've got that question totally wrong, too. (0:07:15.05)
Naoya Mukai : Saki-chan! (0:07:19.21)
Saki Saki : Fine, fine. You aren't giving me a choice. (0:07:20.81)
Shino Kiryuu : I see... (0:07:29.59)
Shino Kiryuu : And that's why you want me
to help Minase-san study.
Nagisa Minase : Yes. (0:07:34.48)
Saki Saki : Nagisa-chan, where's the black tea? (0:07:35.74)
Nagisa Minase : In the furthest right shelf. (0:07:39.15)
Saki Saki : Oh, here. (0:07:41.22)
Shino Kiryuu : Is it just me, or are you two
weirdly familiar with this place?
Saki Saki : Well, I mean, we've been living
together for a month and a half now.
Saki Saki : H-Huh? (0:07:54.60)
Saki Saki : Did you not know that the three
of us are living together?
Shino Kiryuu : You idiots! (0:08:02.71)
Rika Hoshizaki : Hey, when do I get my turn?! (0:08:05.72)
Shino Kiryuu : You aren't just two-timing?
The three of you are living together?!
Shino Kiryuu : What is this?! (0:08:12.35)
Naoya Mukai : I suggested it so that the three of us
could get to know each other better.
Shino Kiryuu : What about your parents? (0:08:19.60)
Naoya Mukai : They've been out of town on work trips. (0:08:21.09)
Shino Kiryuu : Th-The three of you in a two-timing
relationship are living together on your own
Shino Kiryuu : to get to know each other better? (0:08:27.93)
Shino Kiryuu : Are the three of you... (0:08:32.26)
Shino Kiryuu : doing it? (0:08:33.81)
Saki Saki : Of course not! (0:08:34.67)
Nagisa Minase : Our relationship is a wholesome one! (0:08:35.65)
Naoya Mukai : Yeah! (0:08:37.95)
Naoya Mukai : We agreed that three— (0:08:38.78)
Naoya Mukai : —would be off the table! (0:08:40.16)
Shino Kiryuu : How does that conversation even go?! (0:08:42.25)
Naoya Mukai : Never mind that. (0:08:43.96)
Naoya Mukai : We really want you to help Minase-san study! (0:08:45.77)
Shino Kiryuu : What do you mean, "never mind that"?! (0:08:48.48)
Nagisa Minase : P-Please! (0:08:49.78)
Naoya Mukai : Our happy summer memories are at stake! (0:08:51.15)
Shino Kiryuu : I couldn't care less about that... (0:08:55.44)
Shino Kiryuu : I'm trying to get you to
stop two-timing, Sakisaki.
Shino Kiryuu : Why would I help the other girl? (0:09:01.16)
Naoya Mukai : I'll do anything in return! (0:09:04.99)
Shino Kiryuu : Hey! (0:09:06.56)
Naoya Mukai : I know! Minase-san, lend me your phone! (0:09:07.31)
Nagisa Minase : Here. (0:09:10.82)
Naoya Mukai : I'll delete this photo, too! (0:09:11.99)
Shino Kiryuu : Hey! (0:09:13.57)
Naoya Mukai : Done! It's deleted! (0:09:15.70)
Shino Kiryuu : How does it give you leverage
if you delete it first?
Naoya Mukai : You're right! (0:09:20.76)
Naoya Mukai : But I can't threaten you like that, Shino-san. (0:09:22.34)
Nagisa Minase : Please! (0:09:29.26)
Naoya Mukai : I'm begging you! (0:09:30.37)
Saki Saki : Shino... (0:09:31.15)
Saki Saki : No? (0:09:32.44)
Shino Kiryuu : This is what I hate about you. (0:09:35.05)
Shino Kiryuu : Damn it! (0:09:41.31)
Shino Kiryuu : Just this once! (0:09:42.78)
Saki Saki : Shino... You're so nice. (0:09:44.37)
Naoya Mukai : You're amazing. (0:09:46.17)
Nagisa Minase : Yes. (0:09:46.97)
Shino Kiryuu : Stop it! (0:09:47.84)
Shino Kiryuu : So what do you need help with? (0:09:55.31)
Nagisa Minase : Right... (0:09:57.30)
Nagisa Minase : I get just about none of it! (0:09:58.74)
Shino Kiryuu : You're that stupid?! (0:10:00.90)
Nagisa Minase : S-Sorry... (0:10:02.63)
Shino Kiryuu : Can I see your notes? (0:10:04.73)
Shino Kiryuu : No... (0:10:08.43)
Shino Kiryuu : You make lots of mistakes, but you've
put effort into the basics.
Nagisa Minase : R-Really?! (0:10:12.28)
Saki Saki : She's a genius at finding the best in people. (0:10:14.41)
Nagisa Minase : So trustworthy. (0:10:16.73)
Naoya Mukai : I love you. (0:10:17.96)
Shino Kiryuu : Stop that! (0:10:18.69)
Shino Kiryuu : Either way, you're going to have to
give it all you've got until the exams.
Nagisa Minase : I'll do my best! (0:10:23.72)
Naoya Mukai : I'll take care of the
chores and supporting her.
Saki Saki : We're saved now. (0:10:28.29)
Shino Kiryuu : Copy all my notes from class. (0:10:31.77)
Naoya Mukai : Are you tired? I'll rub your shoulders. (0:10:35.06)
Shino Kiryuu : Stop! (0:10:36.94)
Shino Kiryuu : Too many mistakes! (0:10:38.29)
Shino Kiryuu : Train yourself through repetition! (0:10:39.45)
Nagisa Minase : O-Okay! (0:10:41.07)
Naoya Mukai : I'll go buy energy drinks! (0:10:42.56)
Saki Saki : Gummies too, please. (0:10:44.43)
Shino Kiryuu : Sakisaki, what about your own studying? (0:10:45.66)
Saki Saki : I'll do it! (0:10:47.81)
Shino Kiryuu : That's it. That's how you do that part. (0:10:52.38)
Saki Saki : Okay. (0:10:54.49)
Shino Kiryuu : Good. You're starting to get it. (0:10:57.87)
Shino Kiryuu : Keep it up. (0:10:59.97)
Nagisa Minase : Thank you. (0:11:01.91)
Saki Saki : That's our Shino! (0:11:03.76)
Naoya Mukai : You're amazing. (0:11:05.32)
Shino Kiryuu : You can skip all that! (0:11:06.34)
Shino Kiryuu : You know... (0:11:11.11)
Shino Kiryuu : This is true of your two-timing, too... (0:11:13.22)
Shino Kiryuu : But you're really chill, aren't you? (0:11:15.34)
Nagisa Minase : You're so kind, Shino-san. (0:11:17.15)
Shino Kiryuu : I hate you, just so you know! (0:11:19.87)
Shino Kiryuu : I'm only doing this because
Sakisaki asked me to.
Saki Saki : Shino's a tsundere. It's all good. (0:11:26.57)
Shino Kiryuu : Listen to me, Sakisaki! (0:11:29.40)
Naoya Mukai : It doesn't matter to you what the reason is. (0:11:31.57)
Naoya Mukai : When you help people, you really commit. (0:11:33.93)
Naoya Mukai : I think you're an amazing person, Shino-san. (0:11:37.54)
Shino Kiryuu : You know... (0:11:45.49)
Shino Kiryuu : I hate the way you talk
to just anyone like that!
Naoya Mukai : I'm sorry, I guess! (0:11:51.49)
Nagisa Minase : I-I did it! (0:11:57.26)
Shino Kiryuu : Good for you. (0:12:02.03)
Naoya Mukai : It's all thanks to you! (0:12:03.20)
Naoya Mukai : Thank you so much! (0:12:04.78)
Nagisa Minase : Saki-san! (0:12:06.77)
Saki Saki : I'm so glad, Nagisa-chan! (0:12:08.03)
Saki Saki : Although Naoya had to study
like crazy to earn his usual grade.
Naoya Mukai : I'll do better. (0:12:14.67)
Saki Saki : Either way, now we can have
our awesome summer break!
Nagisa Minase : Yes! (0:12:19.09)
Shino Kiryuu : By the way, you said you'd do anything
in return for my helping her study.
Shino Kiryuu : Let me live at Mukai-kun's
place during summer break.
Shino Kiryuu : I'm not going to let you have your way. (0:12:33.96)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'm skipping remedial classes! (0:12:37.69)
Naoya Mukai : You? Live with us? (0:12:45.45)
Naoya Mukai : Wh-Why? (0:12:51.15)
Shino Kiryuu : Now that I know the three
of you are living together,
Shino Kiryuu : I have to do something about it! (0:12:56.46)
Shino Kiryuu : I need to make Sakisaki see reason. (0:12:58.20)
Shino Kiryuu : I'm going to watch you up close (0:13:00.34)
Shino Kiryuu : and confront you with evidence
that two-timing doesn't work!
Naoya Mukai : I see! (0:13:05.45)
Naoya Mukai : Which means you're going to find our problems, (0:13:07.51)
Naoya Mukai : analyze them, and help us
develop a plan to improve!
Naoya Mukai : You're such a nice person. (0:13:15.48)
Shino Kiryuu : No! (0:13:17.38)
Shino Kiryuu : I'm trying to get you to stop two-timing! (0:13:18.54)
Naoya Mukai : Oh, right. (0:13:21.07)
Shino Kiryuu : Jeez. (0:13:22.52)
Shino Kiryuu : Anyway, I'm coming to live with you. (0:13:24.84)
Naoya Mukai : Okay. (0:13:26.34)
Shino Kiryuu : Really?! (0:13:27.34)
Rika Hoshizaki : Wh-What is this about?! (0:13:30.17)
Naoya Mukai : Mirika-san! (0:13:32.36)
Saki Saki : You were here?! (0:13:33.22)
Rika Hoshizaki : You wouldn't even let me stay
in the tent in the yard!
Rika Hoshizaki : Yet you're going to let
her live at your place?!
Rika Hoshizaki : Do you love her?! (0:13:40.84)
Naoya Mukai : No. (0:13:42.32)
Naoya Mukai : If Shino-san can see us up close,
maybe she'll understand how serious we are.
Naoya Mukai : It might be a chance to get Saki-chan's
dear friend to approve of my two-timing!
Rika Hoshizaki : That's not fair! (0:13:57.23)
Shino Kiryuu : This has nothing to do with you! (0:13:58.76)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'm coming too, then! (0:14:00.44)
Naoya Mukai : You can't! (0:14:02.11)
Rika Hoshizaki : If you won't let me in, I'm not
letting anyone in Naoya's place!
Naoya Mukai : What are you talking about?! (0:14:13.84)
Naoya Mukai : What are you doing, Mirika-san? (0:14:22.29)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'm not letting you in unless
you let me live here, too!
Saki Saki : This girl's trouble. (0:14:29.09)
Rika Hoshizaki : Why can't I live here if she can?! (0:14:33.09)
Naoya Mukai : No, like I said... (0:14:35.96)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'll even take the tent in the yard! (0:14:38.27)
Rika Hoshizaki : I want to spend summer break by Naoya, too! (0:14:40.25)
Saki Saki : Eh, just wait until she
needs to go to the bathroom.
Naoya Mukai : Good point. (0:14:47.46)
Rika Hoshizaki : Do you think I'd make the same mistake twice? (0:14:50.23)
Saki Saki : Are you serious?! (0:14:59.35)
Saki Saki : You're going to go here?! (0:15:00.86)
Rika Hoshizaki : I sure am! (0:15:02.42)
Naoya Mukai : For real?! (0:15:03.56)
Saki Saki : You're so shameless! (0:15:04.57)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'll cover myself with
a cloth so you can't see!
Shino Kiryuu : There's no way you'll go through with it. (0:15:08.77)
Shino Kiryuu : Just get out of the way. (0:15:10.36)
Rika Hoshizaki : You don't know me! (0:15:16.33)
Saki Saki : No way! (0:15:17.60)
Nagisa Minase : You can't! (0:15:18.76)
Saki Saki : In front of the guy you like? (0:15:22.55)
Rika Hoshizaki : I can't! (0:15:28.07)
Saki Saki : I'd cringe if you could! (0:15:29.22)
Rika Hoshizaki : Naoya... (0:15:35.40)
Rika Hoshizaki : Please... (0:15:36.93)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'm in love with you. (0:15:39.02)
Naoya Mukai : That's exactly why I can't let you. (0:15:42.21)
Rika Hoshizaki : Freaking hell! (0:15:43.88)
Rika Hoshizaki : No! No! No! (0:15:46.84)
Rika Hoshizaki : Why does the forehead chick get to stay?! (0:15:48.51)
Shino Kiryuu : Forehead?! (0:15:51.80)
Nagisa Minase : Mirika-san throwing a tantrum is so cute... (0:15:53.00)
Rika Hoshizaki : I bet she has a crush on Naoya, too! (0:15:55.76)
Naoya Mukai : You do?! (0:15:58.72)
Shino Kiryuu : You're my friend's boyfriend. (0:16:01.31)
Shino Kiryuu : Of course I don't. (0:16:03.75)
Naoya Mukai : She said she doesn't. (0:16:06.12)
Rika Hoshizaki : She's definitely lying! (0:16:07.24)
Saki Saki : What do we do about this? (0:16:09.95)
Naoya Mukai : We have no choice. (0:16:11.86)
Rika Hoshizaki : Wait! No police! Please! (0:16:12.99)
Naoya Mukai : No, it's not that big of a deal. (0:16:14.92)
Risa Hoshizaki : What are you doing, Onee-chan? (0:16:24.78)
Saki Saki : Mirika's sister?! (0:16:27.79)
Saki Saki : She's cute! (0:16:29.55)
Nagisa Minase : You know her, Naoya-kun? (0:16:30.74)
Naoya Mukai : Yeah. (0:16:33.29)
Naoya Mukai : That day... (0:16:35.14)
Rika Hoshizaki : Naoya. (0:16:39.78)
Naoya Mukai : Mirika-san. (0:16:41.57)
Rika Hoshizaki : Wanna come over right now? (0:16:43.14)
Naoya Mukai : Eh? (0:16:44.99)
Naoya Mukai : No, I don't plan to. (0:16:45.96)
Rika Hoshizaki : No? (0:16:47.98)
Rika Hoshizaki : You can have this, then. (0:16:49.28)
Naoya Mukai : Thanks. (0:16:51.78)
Rika Hoshizaki : Good! (0:16:56.42)
Risa Hoshizaki : This is the guy you like? (0:17:00.75)
Risa Hoshizaki : I guess his face is all right. (0:17:03.50)
Rika Hoshizaki : Isn't he hot?! (0:17:05.50)
Risa Hoshizaki : I don't mind rooting for my dear sister. (0:17:07.14)
Rika Hoshizaki : Naoya, you're up. (0:17:12.52)
Naoya Mukai : Where am I?! (0:17:14.55)
Rika Hoshizaki : My room. (0:17:15.56)
Rika Hoshizaki : And this is my sister, Risa. (0:17:17.15)
Risa Hoshizaki : Hullo. (0:17:19.80)
Naoya Mukai : What is this? (0:17:21.62)
Rika Hoshizaki : Remember when you said at the hot spring (0:17:22.66)
Rika Hoshizaki : that you're a single child and
you kind of envy having siblings?
Rika Hoshizaki : And since I have a sister... (0:17:28.66)
Rika Hoshizaki : If we get m-married in the future,
you'll have a sister, just like you wanted!
Rika Hoshizaki : Which means if I have you meet
my sister, and you like my sister...
Rika Hoshizaki : You'll want to date me! (0:17:43.34)
Risa Hoshizaki : Was my sister always this stupid? (0:17:46.54)
Naoya Mukai : No, er... (0:17:50.85)
Rika Hoshizaki : Risa, do the thing! (0:17:53.69)
Risa Hoshizaki : Fine, I guess. (0:17:55.41)
Risa Hoshizaki : Onii-chan, let's play. (0:17:59.70)
Naoya Mukai : S-So cute! (0:18:02.26)
Rika Hoshizaki : She is, isn't she? (0:18:06.51)
Rika Hoshizaki : She's my kid sister, after all. (0:18:07.57)
Rika Hoshizaki : All right, go in for the kill! (0:18:11.19)
Risa Hoshizaki : Roger. (0:18:13.32)
Risa Hoshizaki : Let's play video games together, Onii-chan. (0:18:15.98)
Naoya Mukai : J-Just a little. (0:18:25.29)
Risa Hoshizaki : Just a little? (0:18:27.24)
Rika Hoshizaki : It's working! (0:18:29.34)
Rika Hoshizaki : I wanna sit there too, though. (0:18:30.59)
Risa Hoshizaki : I know. I'll put on something cuter. (0:18:32.59)
Risa Hoshizaki : How's this? (0:18:38.03)
Naoya Mukai : So cute! (0:18:38.80)
Risa Hoshizaki : How about this one? (0:18:41.77)
Naoya Mukai : Hella cute! (0:18:42.72)
Risa Hoshizaki : What about this one? (0:18:45.98)
Naoya Mukai : You're cute in anything! (0:18:48.42)
Risa Hoshizaki : You called me cute so many times. (0:18:51.32)
Risa Hoshizaki : I'm so happy. (0:18:53.57)
Naoya Mukai : I can't lie. (0:18:54.90)
Rika Hoshizaki : I-I'm jealous. (0:18:56.79)
Risa Hoshizaki : I wish I had a brother
like you, Naoya-oniichan.
Naoya Mukai : I want a sister like you too, Risa-chan. (0:19:09.96)
Rika Hoshizaki : It worked! (0:19:13.94)
Risa Hoshizaki : Job's done. (0:19:16.08)
Rika Hoshizaki : Th-Then, Naoya, do you want to... (0:19:18.17)
Naoya Mukai : I won't go out with you. (0:19:22.91)
Rika Hoshizaki : Come on! (0:19:23.85)
Rika Hoshizaki : Risa's got even more going for her! (0:19:25.86)
Rika Hoshizaki : Risa's on MeTube, too. (0:19:28.77)
Rika Hoshizaki : She's working hard.
She's better at gaming than I am.
Rika Hoshizaki : She didn't even have to
show her boobs like I did
Rika Hoshizaki : to make it to 10,000 subscribers!
I'm so proud of her!
Risa Hoshizaki : You're embarrassing me. (0:19:39.98)
Naoya Mukai : I'm still not going out with you! (0:19:41.25)
Rika Hoshizaki : Why not?! (0:19:43.01)
Naoya Mukai : Wait, first of all... (0:19:44.42)
Naoya Mukai : Are you even content with me going out
with you so I could have a sister?!
Rika Hoshizaki : I'll do anything to achieve
my goal of going out with you!
Naoya Mukai : But any guy who'd agree to
that has to be bad news!
Naoya Mukai : Do you want a boyfriend who's going out with
you just to get close to your little sister?!
Rika Hoshizaki : W-Well... (0:20:06.04)
Rika Hoshizaki : N-Now that you mention it,
I'd be really grossed out by you.
Rika Hoshizaki : Something was wrong with me. (0:20:19.82)
Risa Hoshizaki : No kidding. (0:20:21.08)
Naoya Mukai : I'm glad you understand. (0:20:23.55)
Naoya Mukai : Risa-chan... (0:20:28.38)
Naoya Mukai : You're definitely Mirika-san's sister. (0:20:29.97)
Naoya Mukai : You're cute. (0:20:32.26)
Naoya Mukai : I wish you could have been my sister. (0:20:36.42)
Rika Hoshizaki : What Naoya said just now... (0:20:42.89)
Risa Hoshizaki : Onee-chan? (0:20:46.11)
Rika Hoshizaki : He means I'm cute, too, right? (0:20:48.92)
Risa Hoshizaki : What a simp! (0:20:52.22)
Saki Saki : You're a MeTuber, Risa-chan? (0:20:56.94)
Saki Saki : How could I not subscribe to a
channel with such a cute girl?
Risa Hoshizaki : Onee-chan, you're embarrassing me. (0:21:04.09)
Naoya Mukai : Thanks, Risa-chan. (0:21:07.76)
Rika Hoshizaki : Don't make my sister take me back! (0:21:09.33)
Rika Hoshizaki : Also, how did you get in contact with Risa? (0:21:12.34)
Naoya Mukai : We exchanged email addresses
through the MeTube contact info.
Rika Hoshizaki : Email addresses?! (0:21:19.04)
Rika Hoshizaki : You know Naoya's email address, Risa?! (0:21:20.11)
Risa Hoshizaki : We're leaving. (0:21:22.33)
Rika Hoshizaki : Exchange email addresses with me, too! (0:21:23.63)
Rika Hoshizaki : I'm begging you, Risa! (0:21:28.92)
Rika Hoshizaki : Tell me Naoya's email address! (0:21:30.28)
Risa Hoshizaki : That's private information. No way. (0:21:32.91)
Naoya Mukai : What is that? (0:21:40.82)
Rika Hoshizaki : A rental agreement. (0:21:42.69)
Rika Hoshizaki : For the apartment next door! (0:21:45.29)
Rika Hoshizaki : If you won't agree to my demands, (0:21:52.53)
Rika Hoshizaki : I can just use the power of
money to be close to you!
Rika Hoshizaki : This is who I am! (0:21:59.19)
Risa Hoshizaki : Sure, sure. (0:22:01.34)
Risa Hoshizaki : Make a lot of videos,
or you're going to go broke.
Naoya Mukai : I-It's legal. (0:22:06.13)
Rika Hoshizaki : Now I can always be by Naoya's side! (0:22:06.13)
Nagisa Minase : It's legal, but... (0:22:09.30)
Saki Saki : I'm so worried. (0:22:11.28)
Saki Saki : Let's have a shit ton of fun
during summer break, though!
Nagisa Minase : Yeah! (0:22:30.91)
Naoya Mukai : Let's make lots of good memories together! (0:22:31.52)
Risa Hoshizaki : Next episode preview, but it's on Risapon TV! (0:24:12.90)
Risa Hoshizaki : You'll get to see how Saki-san and
Shino-san became best friends.
Shino Kiryuu : She's always been weird. (0:24:18.92)
Risa Hoshizaki : Also, get this: Shino-san attacks
Onii-chan in his sleep!
Shino Kiryuu : What the heck am I doing?! (0:24:23.92)

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