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Hart Zenfis : Five years ago, (0:00:01.24)
Hart Zenfis : in the fall of my third year of junior high,
I stopped leaving my room after being bullied.
EXTRA : Let's check out that event sometime. (0:00:05.94)
EXTRA : I'm down! (0:00:07.35)
Hart Zenfis : I lost all hope in my future
and lived life aimlessly.
Hart Zenfis : Then it happened. (0:00:13.78)
EXTRA : Congratulations! (0:00:23.02)
EXTRA : After careful consideration,
you've been selected to be reincarnated!
Hart Zenfis : What? Reincarnated? (0:00:30.38)
Hart Zenfis : No kidding? (0:00:32.88)
Hart Zenfis : Guess I ended up dying in that room. (0:00:34.38)
EXTRA : This new world is one where magical
faculty means everything.
EXTRA : So, I'll be granting you overpowered
skills to facilitate your new life!
EXTRA : Try and enjoy things to the
fullest your second time around!
Hart Zenfis : I see... (0:00:48.44)
Hart Zenfis : In that case, there's only
one thing I could ask for.
Hart Zenfis : A nice, quiet life! (0:00:52.36)
Hart Zenfis : Binging anime and games all day long
until you doze off without realizing it...
Hart Zenfis : Nothing beats that degenerate lifestyle! (0:01:00.13)
Hart Zenfis : All right! Reincarnate me! (0:01:02.65)
Hart Zenfis : I'll use those overpowered
skills she mentioned
Hart Zenfis : to live a lazy life, fantasy world or not! (0:01:11.96)
Hart Zenfis : I need to start all the
way from infancy?!
EXTRA : Your Majesty! (0:01:25.13)
EXTRA : A healthy baby boy! (0:01:26.57)
King : Oh! Bravo! (0:01:28.64)
King : Well, Gizelotte? (0:01:30.60)
King : A lovely prince who takes after both of us. (0:01:32.45)
King : He clearly bears the royal
insignia on his left breast.
King : There can be no doubt he's our child! (0:01:38.73)
Gizelotte : Come, now. Why, of course he is! (0:01:41.39)
Hart Zenfis : This babe and handsome
old guy are my parents?
Hart Zenfis : Wait, royalty? (0:01:47.50)
Hart Zenfis : I can probably stay shut-in
if I'm eighth in line or so.
King : Now then, on with the magical assessment! (0:01:52.24)
EXTRA : Right away. (0:01:55.57)
EXTRA : What's his maximum mana level? (0:02:03.37)
King : The child born to the Flash Princess, who
defeated the Demon King, and myself!
King : I'm sure he'll be at least level 40... no, 50! (0:02:08.99)
EXTRA : M-My word! (0:02:12.68)
EXTRA : It's level 2! (0:02:15.31)
EXTRA : What's more, he seems to possess no element, (0:02:17.63)
EXTRA : so he can only use barrier magic... (0:02:20.60)
King : How could this be?! (0:02:22.48)
King : A good-for-nothing like him,
born to the Flash Princess and myself?
King : It will cause outrage among my subjects! (0:02:27.97)
Gizelotte : Indeed. (0:02:29.74)
Gizelotte : If word of this gets out... (0:02:31.45)
Hart Zenfis : This isn't gonna be good. (0:02:33.45)
Gizelotte : I know! (0:02:35.28)
King : I know! (0:02:35.28)
King : We'll say that Prince Reinhardt
died during childbirth!
Gizelotte : We'll say that Prince Reinhardt
died during childbirth!
Hart Zenfis : Excuse me?! (0:02:41.25)
Hart Zenfis : Am I going to die immediately
after reincarnation?!
Hart Zenfis : I was surrounded by awful
people in my previous life,
Hart Zenfis : but here, as well?! (0:02:47.73)
EXTRA : Your Majesty, isn't that a bit extreme? (0:02:49.22)
King : Silence, I say! (0:02:51.11)
King : One of you! (0:02:52.89)
King : Dispose of this child in a
forest far away from here!
King : That's an order from your king! (0:02:56.73)
EXTRA : Oh, no! (0:03:00.95)
EXTRA : Huh? What's up? (0:03:02.82)
EXTRA : That guy I just reincarnated! (0:03:04.36)
EXTRA : I gave him overpowered skills,
but no one realizes it!
EXTRA : What's that mean? (0:03:09.22)
EXTRA : Turns out the measuring devices in
that world only go up to two digits!
EXTRA : Also, I forgot to give him an element! (0:03:14.04)
EXTRA : Wait, what did you set his level to? (0:03:17.80)
EXTRA : 1002! (0:03:21.24)
EXTRA : That's in a whole 'nother ballpark... (0:03:23.69)
Hart Zenfis : No can do! (0:05:02.54)
Hart Zenfis : My baby strength is getting me nowhere! (0:05:03.79)
Hart Zenfis : I'm in a real pickle! (0:05:05.82)
Hart Zenfis : Didn't that guy say I can use barrier magic? (0:05:08.17)
Hart Zenfis : Okay, let's give it a go! (0:05:11.78)
Hart Zenfis : How do I visualize this? (0:05:14.56)
Hart Zenfis : Spherical? Cubic? (0:05:16.85)
Hart Zenfis : See-through? (0:05:19.02)
Hart Zenfis : Oh! Let's go, baby! (0:05:21.18)
Hart Zenfis : Hi-yah! (0:05:25.03)
Hart Zenfis : Here we go! (0:05:26.45)
Hart Zenfis : Who knew magic would be so easy? (0:05:28.32)
Hart Zenfis : I can enlarge it, or give it a color. (0:05:32.25)
Hart Zenfis : It feels like the only limit
here is my imagination.
Hart Zenfis : Hm? (0:05:40.18)
Hart Zenfis : Wait, can I use this on myself? (0:05:40.94)
Hart Zenfis : Oh, it worked! (0:05:46.49)
Hart Zenfis : This power's more useful than I thought. (0:05:49.23)
Hart Zenfis : Doesn't seem like it uses
up mana or anything.
Hart Zenfis : Now if I come across a wild animal... (0:05:54.25)
Hart Zenfis : Whoa! That was fast! (0:06:00.51)
Hart Zenfis : Defend! (0:06:02.91)
Hart Zenfis : Hey, that's pretty sturdy! (0:06:05.01)
Hart Zenfis : In that case, I'll create
a bunch of small ones...
Hart Zenfis : and attack! (0:06:11.01)
Hart Zenfis : It's not doing much damage. (0:06:15.40)
Hart Zenfis : I need something bigger here! (0:06:17.29)
Hart Zenfis : How do you like that?! (0:06:30.04)
Hart Zenfis : Whoa, you can still get back on your feet?! (0:06:32.65)
Hart Zenfis : You're telling me those
trees weren't enough?!
Hart Zenfis : How about this?! (0:06:38.91)
Flay : H-Hold it right there! (0:06:44.37)
Flay : I surrender! (0:06:46.53)
Hart Zenfis : Surrender? Who said that? (0:06:48.35)
Hart Zenfis : Whatever, ignore her. (0:06:51.00)
Flay : Whoa! (0:06:52.26)
Flay : H-Hey! (0:06:54.06)
Flay : I said I surrender! (0:06:55.74)
Hart Zenfis : Oh, it was the doggy! (0:06:57.93)
Flay : I was planning on eating you
to replenish my mana...
Flay : Who knew you'd be so strong? (0:07:10.29)
Flay : What in the world are you? (0:07:12.82)
Flay : You can't speak? (0:07:17.13)
Flay : But your behavior seemed grounded
in logical reasoning, at least...
Hart Zenfis : Talking, huh? (0:07:23.74)
Hart Zenfis : Things are a bit annoying like this. (0:07:25.26)
Hart Zenfis : I've got it! (0:07:27.41)
Hart Zenfis : How about a barrier that
turns thought into sound?
Hart Zenfis : If I attach this to my throat... (0:07:32.07)
Hart Zenfis : H-Hello there! (0:07:36.23)
Flay : So you can speak! (0:07:38.76)
Flay : Who are you? (0:07:41.01)
Flay : You look like a newborn human baby to me. (0:07:42.58)
Hart Zenfis : What was my name? Reinhardt? (0:07:45.53)
Hart Zenfis : That's a mouthful. (0:07:48.61)
Hart Zenfis : My name is Haruto! (0:07:50.29)
Hart Zenfis : I was born in a faraway kingdom, (0:07:52.47)
Hart Zenfis : but I was abandoned on account
of my low mana level.
Flay : What are you saying? (0:07:57.58)
Flay : I sense mana emanating from you
that far exceeds human limits...
Flay : Wait! Are you the Demon King reincarnate?! (0:08:02.94)
Hart Zenfis : I was actually a jobless
shut-in in my past life...
Hart Zenfis : but I don't want her knowing I'm a loser... (0:08:08.35)
Hart Zenfis : Why, yes. I am the Demon King. (0:08:13.24)
Flay : So that was indeed your true identity! (0:08:17.09)
Hart Zenfis : She believed it so easily. (0:08:19.11)
Flay : It's little wonder you're so strong. (0:08:20.87)
Flay : I admit defeat. Now, kill me! (0:08:24.46)
Hart Zenfis : That seems a bit excessive... (0:08:27.76)
Hart Zenfis : I'm fine as long as you don't
attack me from here on out.
Flay : What generosity! (0:08:33.09)
Flay : I applaud you, Demon King! (0:08:35.28)
Flay : Then I swear upon my name as a proud
Flame Fenrir to keep that promise!
Hart Zenfis : What are you, a samurai?! (0:08:43.00)
Hart Zenfis : Is that so? Glad to hear it. (0:08:44.61)
Hart Zenfis : All right, Flay. Goodbye! (0:08:46.95)
Flay : What a turn of events! (0:08:51.69)
Flay : I just happened to be walking this way, (0:08:53.45)
Flay : and yet I've been met with such fortune! (0:08:55.53)
Flay : Please wait, Lord Haruto! (0:08:58.17)
Hart Zenfis : Lord? (0:09:00.79)
Flay : You've spared my life, and have
even bestowed upon me a new name.
Flay : Our pact is hereby formed. (0:09:05.45)
Flay : My master. (0:09:08.51)
Flay : I swear to wholly devote myself to you. (0:09:10.23)
Hart Zenfis : When I called you "Flay",
I was just shortening it...
Flay : Such a splendid-sounding name. (0:09:17.75)
Hart Zenfis : She's not listening! (0:09:19.55)
Hart Zenfis : I didn't mean to enter
into a pact with you...
Hart Zenfis : Huh? (0:09:24.33)
Flay : My master! (0:09:28.33)
Flay : What's the matter?! (0:09:29.30)
Hart Zenfis : A problem that can't be solved
with magic has come up...
Hart Zenfis : Let... (0:09:35.85)
Flay : Let?! (0:09:36.40)
Hart Zenfis : Let me... suck on some boobies. (0:09:38.02)
Flay : Boobies... (0:09:41.91)
Flay : Do you mean breast milk? (0:09:43.20)
Hart Zenfis : I guess I'm asking for too much. (0:09:44.89)
Flay : I'll do something about it. (0:09:47.41)
Hart Zenfis : Really?! (0:09:49.00)
Flay : I shall do what I must for my master! (0:09:50.74)
Flay : I've successfully changed
shape into a human.
Flay : Is something the matter? (0:10:12.18)
Hart Zenfis : Put on some clothes! (0:10:13.67)
Flay : M-My apologies! (0:10:15.51)
Flay : For making you behold such a lowly sight... (0:10:17.37)
Hart Zenfis : No, that's not what I... (0:10:19.25)
Hart Zenfis : There! (0:10:21.72)
Hart Zenfis : Wait, that's even sexier! (0:10:30.65)
Flay : The breast milk, then? (0:10:32.84)
Hart Zenfis : Yes, please. (0:10:34.78)
Hart Zenfis : Why are you stripping?! (0:10:39.14)
Flay : A mother can only start producing
breast milk after mating.
Flay : Now then, fill me with your seed! (0:10:45.54)
Flay : Go on! (0:10:48.51)
Hart Zenfis : She's a total ditz, isn't she? (0:10:49.68)
Flay : My deepest apologies. (0:10:52.96)
Flay : I got your hopes up with
my thoughtless remarks.
Hart Zenfis : Well, it's entirely understandable. (0:10:58.29)
Hart Zenfis : Flay? (0:11:01.89)
Flay : Someone's approaching. (0:11:03.13)
Hart Zenfis : What? (0:11:04.46)
Flay : Shall I kill them? (0:11:05.26)
Hart Zenfis : No, let's start with communication. (0:11:06.27)
Hart Zenfis : Ask them what they're after. (0:11:08.49)
Hart Zenfis : You should be able to hear me using this. (0:11:15.47)
Flay : Understood. (0:11:18.17)
Flay : What business have you here? (0:11:24.09)
Gold : I'm here for that baby. (0:11:26.76)
Flay : I refuse! (0:11:28.79)
Hart Zenfis : Seriously?! (0:11:29.73)
Gold : What right do you have to refuse me? (0:11:31.02)
Flay : Hmph. I suppose I'll tell you. (0:11:34.12)
Flay : He became my master not long ago! (0:11:36.68)
Flay : In other words, he belongs to me! (0:11:39.52)
Hart Zenfis : Wait, I don't remember agreeing to that. (0:11:41.63)
Gold : That child belongs to a relative of mine. (0:11:45.29)
Gold : Circumstances led to his abandonment,
so I've come to save him.
Flay : Save him? (0:11:51.20)
Flay : Why come back for something you abandoned? (0:11:52.75)
Flay : You humans are truly beyond comprehension. (0:11:55.25)
Gold : We have a concept called compassion. (0:11:58.87)
Gold : What's more, I figured that
baby must be famished.
Gold : This is breast milk. (0:12:05.80)
Gold : Will you feed him with it? (0:12:07.09)
Hart Zenfis : That's it! (0:12:09.06)
Hart Zenfis : Flay! Take it! (0:12:09.86)
Flay : You fiend! How rotten of you! (0:12:11.67)
Flay : Did you plan this, knowing
I can't make breast milk?!
Hart Zenfis : She's ignoring me! (0:12:16.16)
Hart Zenfis : Flay! Hurry up and accept it! (0:12:19.08)
Hart Zenfis : I'm dying of hunger here! (0:12:21.32)
Gold : Your breast milk is no business of mine, (0:12:23.78)
Gold : but it looks like you're not fit
to be raising a human child.
Flay : How can you say that with such confidence?! (0:12:30.42)
Flay : And why do you even care
so much about this child?!
Gold : It's a bit of a personal story. (0:12:37.21)
Gold : My wife was pregnant once. (0:12:40.12)
Gold : Our child never ended up
seeing the light of day.
Gold : That baby there was abandoned for
its lack of potential,
Gold : but none of that matters to me. (0:12:50.53)
Gold : Every child that enters this world should
have the chance to savor life.
Gold : That's all there is to it. (0:12:58.37)
Flay : Wh-What a tragic tale! (0:13:01.25)
Gold : Taking a human child as your master,
suddenly bursting into tears...
Gold : You're one bizarre demon. (0:13:09.92)
Gold : How about we make a deal? (0:13:13.46)
Gold : If you insist on taking him as your master, (0:13:15.27)
Gold : I can take you in as a personal attendant. (0:13:17.97)
Gold : How's that sound? (0:13:20.91)
Flay : I'll do as you say,
considering your circumstances.
Flay : I'll watch over him by his side. (0:13:26.77)
Gold : Very well. It's a deal. (0:13:29.02)
Gold : Tear up that garb of his,
and swaddle him in this instead.
Flay : Oh? A bit of subterfuge? (0:13:43.39)
Gold : Let us be off. (0:13:46.36)
Hart Zenfis : Flay, can you get me that breast milk? (0:13:49.47)
Flay : The only breast milk you'll
be drinking is mine!
Hart Zenfis : You're kidding, right? (0:13:55.55)
Hart Zenfis : Father. Mother. Char. (0:14:04.12)
Hart Zenfis : Good morning, everyone. (0:14:06.48)
Gold : Good morning, Haruto. (0:14:08.26)
Hart Zenfis : Nine years have passed. (0:14:10.40)
Hart Zenfis : Under the care of Margrave Gold,
I managed to live on.
Hart Zenfis : My original plan was to leave as
soon as I'd been weaned off milk,
Hart Zenfis : but I was met with such kindness and comfort
that I just couldn't help but stay.
Natalia : Say good morning to your brother. (0:14:23.51)
Hart Zenfis : If I have one problem in my life... (0:14:24.94)
Hart Zenfis : Being hated by a cute little girl! (0:14:30.82)
Hart Zenfis : You're making your brother so sad! (0:14:33.04)
Flay : The two of you are as sullen as ever, I see. (0:14:35.48)
Flay : Can't you do any better
to cheer up Lord Haruto?!
Flay : Here. (0:14:40.93)
Flay : The head chef put everything
he had into making this.
Flay : Eat up. (0:14:43.90)
Flay : Here, young lady. (0:14:46.53)
Flay : Make sure you finish it all. (0:14:47.60)
Charlotte Zenfis : Flay! Good morning! (0:14:49.18)
Hart Zenfis : She's super fond of Flay... (0:14:54.42)
Hart Zenfis : Why her?! (0:14:56.77)
Charlotte Zenfis : Hey, hey. (0:14:57.75)
Charlotte Zenfis : Will you play with me again today? (0:14:58.86)
Flay : No can do. (0:15:00.66)
Flay : I've been entrusted with the important
task of looking after Lord Haruto.
Hart Zenfis : Flay. Please play with her. (0:15:04.80)
Flay : If I must. (0:15:07.82)
Charlotte Zenfis : Hooray! (0:15:09.39)
Charlotte Zenfis : Hey, wait for me! (0:15:13.86)
Flay : You're too slow, young lady! (0:15:16.60)
Natalia : Haruto, don't let it bother you. (0:15:20.04)
Hart Zenfis : Mom. (0:15:22.80)
Hart Zenfis : It really doesn't bother me. (0:15:24.15)
Natalia : Doesn't look that way to me. (0:15:27.25)
Natalia : I think the reason Charlotte
is shy around you
Natalia : is because she doesn't know how
to act around a boy her age.
Hart Zenfis : You think? (0:15:37.87)
Natalia : I'm sure of it! (0:15:38.99)
Natalia : I mean, look at how well she gets
along with a girl like Flay!
Hart Zenfis : Could it be?! (0:15:45.96)
Hart Zenfis : Has Char figured out that I'm really
an old man who's almost thirty?!
Charlotte Zenfis : You smell like a reclusive old man. (0:15:52.33)
Hart Zenfis : That makes sense. (0:15:55.83)
Hart Zenfis : Little girls don't want
to hang out with old men.
Natalia : Come now, no need for dramatics. (0:16:00.06)
Natalia : I have an idea! (0:16:02.88)
Natalia : Why not do something special for Char? (0:16:04.92)
Natalia : If you show Char what a
reliable brother you are,
Natalia : I'm sure she'll have a change of heart! (0:16:10.24)
Hart Zenfis : Huh? (0:16:12.88)
Hart Zenfis : I suck at social situations. (0:16:13.80)
Hart Zenfis : That's asking for way too much out of me. (0:16:15.36)
Natalia : And you know, you're the heir
to this fine estate of ours.
Natalia : Instead of holing up in
your room all the time,
Natalia : why don't you join her outside
every once in a while?
Natalia : As your mother, I'll do everything
I can to help you two get along!
Hart Zenfis : Yeah... Thanks. (0:16:31.18)
Hart Zenfis : I really should leave the nest soon. (0:16:36.96)
Hart Zenfis : But if I leave, then Flay would come along. (0:16:39.58)
Hart Zenfis : I'm sure that'll only end up
making Char hate me more.
Hart Zenfis : That said, if I tried
to leave Flay behind...
Flay : If I can't be by my master's side, (0:16:48.42)
Flay : I have nothing more to live for! (0:16:51.08)
Hart Zenfis : She'd totally say that. (0:16:53.92)
Hart Zenfis : If I stay here, though, I bet they'll
make me do this and that...
Hart Zenfis : What's your take on this? (0:17:00.71)
Hart Zenfis : These past nine years, to prepare
for when I'd have to leave,
Hart Zenfis : I've studied as much about barrier magic
as I could, to create this robot copy...
Hart Zenfis : But I still can't get it to talk or move. (0:17:17.13)
Hart Zenfis : Hold on. (0:17:21.89)
Hart Zenfis : If I want to leave without
making anyone sad...
Hart Zenfis : I need to make a Flay
doll as well, don't I?!
Hart Zenfis : Who is it? (0:17:32.25)
Gold : Haruto, come with me for a moment. (0:17:33.38)
Hart Zenfis : That can't be good! (0:17:36.00)
Gold : Starting today, I'll be teaching
you how to use a sword.
Hart Zenfis : See? I knew it! (0:17:42.29)
Gold : Don't look so grumpy about it. (0:17:43.86)
Gold : You have an exceedingly low mana level. (0:17:46.65)
Gold : Which is why we need to have
you develop other skills.
Gold : Or have you found some other
field that interests you?
Hart Zenfis : Well, that'd have to be shutting mysel— (0:17:56.34)
Hart Zenfis : Um... (0:17:59.28)
Hart Zenfis : Studying ancient magic? (0:18:00.66)
Gold : Well, I'll be. (0:18:03.38)
Gold : So you see potential in the lost
magic of the mythical era?
Gold : I thought you were holed up
in your room doing nothing,
Gold : but you were giving it
thought in your own way.
Hart Zenfis : Well, I should get back to my research... (0:18:14.13)
Gold : Not so fast. (0:18:16.63)
Gold : You might yet have talent with a sword. (0:18:17.84)
Gold : You never know unless you try. (0:18:20.54)
Hart Zenfis : Guess I can't weasel my way out of it... (0:18:23.00)
Gold : Come! I'm ready when you are! (0:18:26.02)
Hart Zenfis : Dad is a seasoned warrior,
known as the Earth-Shattering Warhammer.
Hart Zenfis : There's no way I can land a hit on him! (0:18:32.75)
Hart Zenfis : I really don't want to get hurt, (0:18:35.61)
Hart Zenfis : so I'll use a barrier to make up
for my poor physical ability.
Hart Zenfis : Hah! (0:18:43.33)
Hart Zenfis : Whoa! (0:18:44.64)
Hart Zenfis : I forgot to put a barrier
up around the sword!
Gold : What was that just now? (0:18:50.60)
Hart Zenfis : Huh? (0:18:53.69)
Gold : I'll stop in the nick of time... (0:18:54.62)
Gold : but try and dodge it anyway. (0:18:56.41)
Hart Zenfis : That was close! (0:19:08.43)
Hart Zenfis : Stop in the nick of time?
That was a full-on swing!
Gold : That should have been impossible to
dodge for anyone under level 30.
Hart Zenfis : Are you sure? (0:19:20.32)
Hart Zenfis : To tell the truth, I also felt
something was off about that.
Hart Zenfis : There was a time when I got my hopes up, (0:19:28.24)
Hart Zenfis : and thought my mana level
might be in the hundreds...
Hart Zenfis : They say that level 77 was the
highest in all of humanity,
Hart Zenfis : so there's no way it'd
be in the thousands...
Hart Zenfis : I have a mana level of 2. (0:19:42.32)
Hart Zenfis : And I've confirmed that
I possess no element.
Hart Zenfis : I concluded that my lack of an element
lets me use magic extremely efficiently.
Hart Zenfis : Is that a part of the overpowered
skills that the Goddess gave me?
Gold : An innate awakening? (0:19:58.25)
Gold : Which means... (0:20:00.50)
Gold : Never mind that. (0:20:02.37)
Gold : You move like a complete amateur. (0:20:03.63)
Gold : Now then, let's continue training,
and turn you into an elite swordsman.
Hart Zenfis : What?! (0:20:10.74)
Natalia : You sure seem busy lately. (0:20:20.84)
Gold : I started teaching Haruto
how to use a sword today.
Natalia : Oh, how did it go? (0:20:28.51)
Gold : He might be... (0:20:31.04)
Gold : a returned demon. (0:20:33.73)
Natalia : H-How could you say that, dear?! (0:20:36.60)
Gold : Shh. (0:20:39.04)
Gold : Secret royal family records tell
of a man who had lain with demons.
Gold : Rare as it may be, there are those
born exhibiting demonic traits.
Natalia : That may be, but Haruto doesn't
have horns or a tail!
Gold : That's true. (0:20:54.32)
Gold : However, it's said the royal insignia holds
strange powers we still don't understand.
Gold : The secret to why the demon Flay shows such
deference to Haruto may lie there, as well.
Natalia : Haruto is a normal boy! (0:21:07.82)
Natalia : Nothing more than that! (0:21:09.79)
Gold : Don't you worry. (0:21:14.00)
Gold : That's what I think, too. (0:21:15.42)
Gold : So no matter what happens,
we'll make sure our son lives a happy life.
Natalia : Yes, you're right. (0:21:22.65)
Charlotte Zenfis : There's no way Haruto is a demon. (0:21:28.93)
Charlotte Zenfis : But... Haruto... (0:21:33.82)
Charlotte Zenfis : My name is Charlotte! (0:23:09.88)
Charlotte Zenfis : Flay is always nice and plays with me, (0:23:11.65)
Charlotte Zenfis : but I don't know how to act around Haruto. (0:23:13.80)
Charlotte Zenfis : Will we ever get along? (0:23:17.08)
Charlotte Zenfis : Next episode: "Char Hates Me". (0:23:18.83)
Charlotte Zenfis : I don't hate you... (0:23:20.92)

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