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Vermilio : That one seems rather peculiar. (0:00:58.25)
Vermilio : I'm sensing a somewhat unfathomable
power behind him.
Hon : So, you've noticed? (0:01:03.46)
Hon : That man is actually favored to be
the champion of this tournament.
Hon : His name is Helck. (0:01:08.25)
Hon : He battled his way through the
preliminary rounds with outstanding results.
Hon : He's a hero from the human realm. (0:01:14.00)
Vermilio : Did you just say human hero?! (0:01:16.83)
EXTRA : Off in a distant land, (0:03:07.46)
EXTRA : there was a lone hero who managed
to defeat the powerful Demon Lord.
EXTRA : Seizing the opportunity, (0:03:14.17)
EXTRA : the human army stormed the
Demon Lord's castle and took control of it.
EXTRA : This marked their victory over
the Demon Lord and his forces.
EXTRA : Shouts of joy and celebration
flooded the human realm,
EXTRA : as all fear they had of the Demon Lord
was washed away.
EXTRA : Then, roughly three months passed. (0:03:32.04)
EXTRA : And here in the Demon Realm,
a fierce competition was getting underway
EXTRA : to fill the empty throne
left behind by the Demon Lord.
Vermilio : I am Vermilio. (0:03:44.08)
Vermilio : Since Azudra is out with an injury, (0:03:47.04)
Vermilio : I will serve as manager
for the tournament in his place.
Hon : My name is Hon and I serve
as submanager for the tournament.
Vermilio : Nice to be working with you. (0:03:54.21)
Vermilio : Getting right to business,
how is the tournament proceeding?
Hon : We just finished with the preliminary rounds
as of yesterday.
Hon : There are many skilled warriors participating, (0:04:01.67)
Hon : so hopes are high that we shall bear witness
to the rise of a new Demon Lord
Hon : who surpasses even that of the late Lord Thor. (0:04:06.96)
Vermilio : And our security?
I assume the barrier is holding up well?
Hon : Everything has been upgraded and
reinforced since the last tournament.
Hon : Furthermore, to ensure that all participants
can engage in pure competition
Hon : we've prepared this little document
known as the "Deep Green Contract."
Vermilio : I see. (0:04:23.13)
Vermilio : Azudra working his magic, as usual. (0:04:24.00)
Hon : Indeed. (0:04:25.83)
Vermilio : Wonderful. (0:04:27.46)
Vermilio : Then moving on, I would like to see
some of the preliminaries firsthand.
Vermilio : Did you record any of it? (0:04:31.25)
Hon : Yes. (0:04:32.42)
Hon : I have it all right here. (0:04:33.25)
Vermilio : Hmm. How interesting. (0:04:41.17)
Hon : The average level of the combatants
for this tournament is 45.
Hon : That's a record high for us. (0:04:47.21)
Vermilio : With warriors of that caliber,
we can do better than just take back our realm,
Vermilio : we may even be able to claim some of the land
owned by those foolish humans!
Vermilio : That one seems rather peculiar. (0:04:59.54)
Vermilio : I'm sensing a somewhat unfathomable
power behind him.
Hon : So, you've noticed? (0:05:04.79)
Hon : That man is actually favored to be
the champion of this tournament.
Hon : His name is Helck. (0:05:09.25)
Hon : He battled his way through the
preliminary rounds with outstanding results.
Hon : He's a hero from the human realm. (0:05:13.67)
Vermilio : Oh? (0:05:16.21)
Vermilio : DID YOU JUST SAY HUMAN HERO?! (0:05:18.04)
Vermilio : What the hell is a human doing here?! (0:05:20.08)
Hon : Huh?! (0:05:22.08)
Hon : Because he managed to survive
the preliminaries, ma'am...
Vermilio : But why is he even participating?! (0:05:24.92)
Hon : Well, anyone is allowed to participate
in the tournament regardless of race...
Vermilio : EXCEPT FOR HUMANS, OBVIOUSLY! (0:05:29.33)
Hon : What?! Why can't they participate?! (0:05:30.96)
Vermilio : They're our mortal enemies! (0:05:32.83)
Hon : Mortal enemy? (0:05:34.29)
Hon : Oh please, have no fear! (0:05:36.50)
Hon : He may be a human, but his end goal is- (0:05:38.00)
Vermilio : WHAT?! (0:05:39.75)
Hon : W-well, please just take a look at this... (0:05:41.88)
Rococo : That was such an incredible victory! (0:05:44.25)
Rococo : Please share a few words
about how you're feeling right now!
Helck : I despise humans! (0:05:49.50)
Helck : Let's destroy them all! (0:05:53.92)
Hon : And so, there's nothing to worry about. (0:06:01.83)
Vermilio : YOU FOOL! (0:06:04.29)
Vermilio : HE'S OBVIOUSLY JUST FAKING IT! (0:06:06.25)
Vermilio : HE HAS LIAR WRITTEN ALL OVER HIS FACE! (0:06:08.33)
Hon : Please calm down, ma'am... (0:06:10.08)
Vermilio : A human hero has invaded our sanctuary! (0:06:11.38)
Vermilio : Why did you leave him be?! (0:06:13.50)
Vermilio : Didn't anybody stop to consider
the consequences?!
Vermilio : Do you all just want to die?! (0:06:17.08)
Hon : Uh, gosh, well, I'm sure it'll be fine... (0:06:18.63)
Vermilio : EXACTLY WHAT PART OF THIS IS FINE?! (0:06:20.79)
Hon : I mean, he signed the Deep Green Contract. (0:06:22.58)
Hon : The power of this document nullifies all attacks
that are made against people outside of the ring.
Hon : So the participants are literally incapable
of hurting anyone.
Hon : Even the great hero Helck (0:06:34.54)
Hon : doesn't have enough strength
to overcome the force of the contract.
Vermilio : All right, then. (0:06:39.42)
Vermilio : So you're telling me
this hero is essentially powerless?
Hon : Exactly. (0:06:43.04)
Hon : There is no being alive who can escape
the binding contents of the contract
Hon : until the tournament has come to an end. (0:06:47.38)
Vermilio : No... I simply can't believe this. (0:06:49.58)
Rococo : And Chupabra goes down! (0:06:53.75)
Vermilio : The contest... (0:06:55.54)
Vermilio : Wait! I know what he's after! (0:06:57.46)
Rococo : That's a count of 10!
Helck is now officially the victor!
Rococo : Oh my! (0:07:03.17)
Rococo : It seems Helck is slowly approaching
Chupabra instead of leaving the ring!
Vermilio : He's using the contents
of the contract to his advantage!
Vermilio : Because right now, nobody but his opponents
in the tournament can stand against him!
Rococo : Chupabra is still down for the count! (0:07:15.58)
Rococo : What exactly does Helck intend to do here?! (0:07:17.92)
Vermilio : And just like that, (0:07:20.96)
Vermilio : he'll fight through the tournament
matches while slowly but surely
Vermilio : slaughtering every warrior we have
with the potential of becoming Demon Lord!
Rococo : Look at that! He's reached out a hand! (0:07:30.29)
Helck : That was a wonderful fight! (0:07:33.29)
EXTRA : You trounced me. (0:07:35.21)
Rococo : Now this is a touching scene! (0:07:36.83)
Hon : Seems like that's not the case at all. (0:07:39.21)
Vermilio : THEN WHAT THE HELL DOES HE WANT?! (0:07:41.04)
Hon : W-well, is it so hard to believe that he's legitimately
interested in becoming Demon Lord?
Vermilio : THAT'S RIDICULOUS! (0:07:46.67)
Vermilio : He obviously has some kind
of ulterior motive here!
Vermilio : Besides, even if he did win the tournament, (0:07:50.88)
Vermilio : there's no way the citizens
would just accept him as Demon Lord!
EXTRA : You rock, hero! (0:07:56.08)
EXTRA : We love you! (0:07:57.17)
EXTRA : Kick ass, man! (0:07:58.00)
Hon : Seems like that won't be a problem... (0:08:00.42)
Vermilio : FOOLS! (0:08:02.42)
Vermilio : Doesn't anybody around here
have a sense for danger?!
Vermilio : I mean, come on! (0:08:07.75)
Vermilio : We're practically begging
the humans to invade us!
Hon : Please compose yourself... (0:08:11.21)
Hon : Yeowch! (0:08:12.67)
Vermilio : We're out of options.
I'll just have to eliminate the human myself!
Hon : Uh, so about that contract I mentioned earlier... (0:08:16.71)
Hon : it also nullifies any attacks
that we make upon the participants.
Vermilio : HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET?! (0:08:21.33)
Vermilio : Then hurry and make him fight
someone who can beat a hero!
Hon : Um, the only problem with that
is Helck has a combat level of 99...
Vermilio : Level 99, are you freaking serious?! (0:08:31.79)
Vermilio : The hero is gonna win for sure, dammit! (0:08:34.21)
Hon : Which is why I said he's the one favored to win... (0:08:36.38)
Vermilio : THEN WE'RE ALL DOOMED, YOU MORON! (0:08:38.96)
Hon : Ah, it's been a while
since we've had such a clear sky.
Vermilio : How the hell does any human reach level 99
with their short lifespans?
Vermilio : Curses! We're in deep trouble now! (0:08:57.96)
Hon : If I may... (0:09:00.88)
Hon : will I be facing any sort of punishment
for this incident?
Vermilio : Of course you will. (0:09:05.79)
Vermilio : And let me tell you that
a simple demotion won't cut it.
Hon : Wah! Oh, please no! I don't want to die! (0:09:09.83)
Vermilio : I'm the one who should be crying right now... (0:09:12.75)
Hon : Th-then let's come up with a good strategy! (0:09:14.88)
Vermilio : Do you honestly think there's any way
for us to beat a level 99 hero?!
Hon : Oh! I've got an idea! (0:09:21.04)
Vermilio : That was fast. (0:09:23.29)
Hon : We can just change the format
of the next tournament match...
Vermilio : I'm going to be absolutely livid
if you suggest something like poker!
Hon : Yipes! (0:09:31.38)
Hon : No, um, my idea was actually to build a house! (0:09:32.33)
Vermilio : A house? (0:09:35.33)
Hon : Yes! A house of cards! (0:09:36.25)
Hon : Whoever is the first to build one
will be declared the winner!
Hon : And on top of that, I'll make sure the hero
gets provided with these extra glossy cards...
Vermilio : Well, I'll admit that would definitely
help level the playing field for us.
Vermilio : But we're talking about a tournament
that decides the next Demon Lord!
Vermilio : Think of how the citizens
and participants would react!
Hon : Please, ma'am! Just give me a chance! (0:09:54.96)
Vermilio : Hmm, I'm not sure... (0:09:57.92)
Hon : Please! I'm begging you!
Hmm, I'm not sure...
Hon : Please! I'm begging you! (0:10:00.88)
EXTRA : This is the human realm. (0:10:07.33)
EXTRA : And this is Asta, a demonkin spy. (0:10:11.04)
EXTRA : Under the orders of Vermilio, (0:10:13.83)
EXTRA : she was dispatched with the objective of
gathering information about the hero Helck,
EXTRA : and was about to start her mission. (0:10:20.58)
EXTRA : However... (0:10:22.79)
Asta : There's not a soul around here. (0:10:24.00)
Asta : What should I do? (0:10:27.00)
Asta : Hello? (0:10:31.83)
Asta : Well, that's that. (0:10:41.92)
Asta : I'll just have to report back with
the info I have regarding the current situation.
Vermilio : I was really concerned about how everyone would
react to this silly "house of cards" idea, but...
Rococo : Here come our warriors! (0:10:58.25)
EXTRA : So they're doing something different
than a battle this time?
EXTRA : It's a whole mew ballgame now! (0:11:05.25)
Vermilio : ...they welcomed it without a second thought! (0:11:06.79)
Rococo : We appreciate your patience, everyone! (0:11:09.04)
Rococo : It's time for the playoffs
to decide a new Demon Lord!
Rococo : Here we go! (0:11:15.21)
Vermilio : Pretty dull, huh? (0:11:28.54)
Hon : That's an understatement. (0:11:29.75)
Rococo : The rules of this match are extremely simple! (0:11:31.38)
Rococo : All the participants have to do
is complete a 10 story house of cards!
Rococo : Only those who rank in the top 10 will be able
to make it to the next round of competition!
Rococo : Who among these warriors
will be the first to finish?!
Rococo : Oh my! Helck is struggling! (0:11:48.92)
Rococo : Perhaps he's not very good at stacking cards? (0:11:50.42)
Rococo : He seems to be falling pretty far behind
compared to the other participants!
Vermilio : Just look at Helck!
He's struggling like a fish out of water!
Hon : He hasn't even managed
to complete the bottom floor yet!
Vermilio : That said, I feel sorry for the warriors
who will fail here
Vermilio : without getting the chance
to show their full potential.
Vermilio : No matter. (0:12:09.63)
Vermilio : We can just put any of the
noteworthy ones under my command.
Vermilio : Send me the list of registered fighters later- (0:12:13.42)
Helck : I must hone my focus. (0:12:24.71)
Rococo : S-such speed! (0:12:51.42)
Rococo : Helck is moving like a blur
as he quickly stacks layer upon layer of cards!
Rococo : H-he's finished! (0:13:00.63)
Rococo : Helck has completed his house of cards! (0:13:02.17)
Vermilio : That's just ridiculous! (0:13:06.67)
Vermilio : How the hell does someone move that fast
without knocking the cards over?!
EXTRA : Hey! Isn't that against the rules?! (0:13:10.75)
EXTRA : Woof! Woof, woof, woof! (0:13:12.75)
Vermilio : Yeah! He broke the rules! (0:13:14.00)
Hon : I never imagined
there would be interference like this.
Hon : But I'm not sure it's a good idea
to try and tack on new rules now...
Vermilio : It's fine! (0:13:20.71)
Vermilio : This is obvious enough to go without saying! (0:13:21.92)
Kenros : Against the rules? (0:13:23.63)
Kenros : Now that's just silly talk. (0:13:24.92)
EXTRA : What did you say?! (0:13:26.79)
Kenros : Come on, did you seriously
think this was nothing more
Kenros : than a race to build a house of cards? (0:13:31.00)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:13:33.13)
Vermilio : Huh? (0:13:34.13)
Kenros : Let me break it down for you. (0:13:35.29)
Kenros : The house of cards that we're building
is meant to represent our home base.
Kenros : In other words, the Demon Lord's Castle! (0:13:39.92)
Kenros : The action of stacking cards together is synonymous
with expanding the castle to greater heights!
Kenros : So, in essence, this is a contest where we must
protect our castle while wiping out our opponent's
Kenros : by juggling both offense and defense! (0:13:50.58)
Kenros : That gust of wind triggered by his aura (0:13:52.54)
Kenros : was something we all should have defended
against by using whatever means necessary!
Kenros : Because anyone incapable
of even finishing this simple castle of cards
Kenros : has no right to become the Demon Lord! (0:14:01.79)
Kenros : Got it? You've had your chance! (0:14:03.96)
Vermilio : Why is he reading so much into this?! (0:14:06.00)
Vermilio : That's way off base! (0:14:07.79)
Hyura : Who's the idiot peddling all that crap? (0:14:09.33)
Hyura : There's no way that's right. (0:14:11.38)
EXTRA : Wowee! This house of card stuff is deep! (0:14:13.17)
EXTRA : Hot damn, I totally knew there
was something more to this match!
EXTRA : Now I get it! (0:14:18.00)
Rococo : Okay, with that settled,
it seems Helck is the first to finish!
EXTRA : Shit! I ain't out yet! (0:14:26.92)
EXTRA : Whoa! Watch it! (0:14:28.54)
EXTRA : Hey, don't burn the cards! (0:14:30.46)
EXTRA : Take this! (0:14:31.67)
Hon : Well, it's impossible to make interference
against the rules now...
Vermilio : Dammit. (0:14:39.92)
Vermilio : That meathead was
confident from the get-go.
Vermilio : He already knew he could win this! (0:14:43.17)
Vermilio : So he intentionally pulled that stunt
to throw the entire match into chaos,
Vermilio : and turned everyone else
against each other in the process!
Vermilio : Now the majority of participants
are going to end up getting injured!
Vermilio : That was his plan all along! (0:14:53.04)
Hon : P-please calm down, ma'am! (0:14:54.58)
Hon : It's never good to
read so deeply into things...
Hon : This was just an accident. (0:14:58.54)
Vermilio : How the hell are you so chill right now?! (0:15:00.63)
Vermilio : FOOL! (0:15:03.50)
EXTRA : Whoa! Are those fireworks?! (0:15:06.13)
EXTRA : They must be! (0:15:07.42)
EXTRA : Far out! (0:15:08.67)
Ista : Asta? (0:15:12.25)
Ista : Took you long enough to report in. (0:15:16.92)
Asta : Sorry, Ista. (0:15:19.29)
EXTRA : Type 2 Special Abilities. (0:15:21.67)
EXTRA : Some citizens of the empire
have these special abilities
EXTRA : that can be activated upon
fulfilling certain conditions.
EXTRA : For example, the twins Asta and Ista are capable
of sending messages between each other
EXTRA : through the action of drinking coffee. (0:15:36.08)
Ista : Okay, so what's the situation like? (0:15:38.54)
Asta : Well, I figured a lot of stuff out. (0:15:40.33)
Asta : But first, I'm most interested in hearing
how the tournament's going.
Helck : Checkmate. (0:15:46.38)
EXTRA : You've bested me. (0:15:47.96)
Rococo : Helck claims yet another victory! (0:15:50.04)
Vermilio : This is exactly why you should've moved
that damn pawn, fool!
Hon : W-we'll get him in the next one for sure! (0:15:55.79)
Hon : It's going to be a sculpting match, (0:15:57.79)
Hon : and I made sure his carving knife
is duller than a rusty axe!
Helck : I'm finished! (0:16:02.54)
Rococo : And there you have it,
10s across the board!
Hon : The cooking showdown is coming up next (0:16:07.88)
Hon : and I'm going to make sure
he gets stuck with a child-sized apron...
Vermilio : Just put me on the panel of judges! (0:16:11.88)
Vermilio : I'll give whatever dish he cooks a big fat zero! (0:16:13.88)
Hon : What?! You're going
to show yourself in public?!
Vermilio : Don't have a fit. (0:16:18.25)
Vermilio : I'll wear a disguise so that everyone thinks
I'm nothing more than an ordinary judge.
Vermilio : Tasty... (0:16:39.54)
Rococo : Helck has done it!
He's on his way to the semi-finals!
Rococo : Please tell us how you're feeling! (0:16:45.58)
Helck : The demon realm is so fun! (0:16:48.00)
Vermilio : I wasn't able to lie... (0:16:53.50)
Vermilio : God, I'm such a fool! (0:16:55.50)
Kenros : Argh! I knew I should've
served a dessert instead!
Hyura : That judge...
She seems familiar somehow...
Vermilio : Dammit! His food was tasty! (0:17:03.46)
Vermilio : And I mean SUPER tasty! (0:17:05.63)
Hon : Um, please keep a lid on your temper because
an explosion here would lead to casualties...
Vermilio : I know that! (0:17:10.92)
Vermilio : What the hell is with this poster?! (0:17:14.96)
Vermilio : I haven't seen any of these guys out there! (0:17:16.63)
Vermilio : What are they, mere models?! (0:17:18.38)
Hon : O-oh no, far from it! (0:17:19.54)
Hon : They were all highly skilled fighters
expected to win the tournament!
Hon : Up until Helck took them out
in the preliminaries, that is...
Vermilio : WRARGH! (0:17:27.42)
Hon : Oh, this is bad! (0:17:28.83)
Hon : She's gonna blow her top! (0:17:30.17)
Hon : I must raise a barrier! (0:17:31.83)
Hon : Uh, what the... (0:17:35.75)
Vermilio : Do you have any tape? (0:17:38.04)
Hon : Um, yes. (0:17:39.38)
Vermilio : Things can't continue like this. (0:17:47.88)
Vermilio : I must find a way to protect our citizens! (0:17:49.58)
Ista : Lady Vermilio. (0:17:52.63)
Ista : I've just gotten some information
on Helck from Asta.
Kenros : Yo, Helck! Great job out there! (0:18:00.50)
Helck : Why hello, Kenros! (0:18:02.96)
Kenros : Whatcha looking at there?
Some kinda paper?
Helck : It's a picture. Would you like to see? (0:18:06.96)
Kenros : Can I really?! (0:18:09.13)
Helck : Nope! (0:18:10.33)
Kenros : You jokester! (0:18:11.92)
Kenros : Lemme see! (0:18:13.08)
Kenros : Come on now! (0:18:16.17)
Hyura : The crap peddler and that infernal hero. (0:18:18.25)
Hyura : Just look at them making
all that obnoxious racket over there.
Hyura : I wouldn't want to touch either of them
with a 10-foot pole.
Ista : Helck the hero actually has
an enormous bounty on his head.
Ista : And he's been labeled as the worst criminal
in all of human history.
Ista : The crime he committed... (0:18:34.75)
Ista : was fratricide. (0:18:36.67)
Vermilio : Hmph. (0:18:39.21)
Vermilio : Even heroes are still
just human in the end, huh?
Vermilio : Such a moronic race. (0:18:42.96)
Vermilio : So, what can you tell me
about the brother he killed?
Ista : Yes, about that... (0:18:47.79)
Ista : His brother was the hero
who brought down Demon Lord Thor.
Vermilio : What?! (0:18:54.96)
Vermilio : Then Helck isn't the one
who defeated the Demon Lord?!
Ista : Correct. (0:18:58.25)
Ista : That hero was named Cless. (0:18:59.29)
Ista : It seems there were two heroes
born into the world this time.
Kenros : Yoink! It's mine now! (0:19:04.54)
Helck : Aw, shucks. Feel free to look, then. (0:19:06.21)
Kenros : Oh, is this guy your brother? (0:19:09.00)
Helck : Yep. That's right. (0:19:10.83)
Kenros : Gosh, you two look totally... not the same. (0:19:13.04)
Kenros : He's way more of a dreamboat then you are! (0:19:15.63)
Helck : I know, right? (0:19:17.75)
Helck : He gets it from our mother! (0:19:19.04)
Hyura : A dreamboat, you say? (0:19:20.75)
Ista : There's one more odd thing I should mention... (0:19:22.50)
Ista : Asta said that she visited three different towns. (0:19:24.96)
Ista : But she couldn't find
a single human in any of them.
Vermilio : What?! (0:19:31.04)
Ista : Based on how things were left, (0:19:32.50)
Ista : it seems like people had been
living there like normal until very recently.
Hon : Lady Vermilio! Trouble at one of the castles! (0:19:41.42)
Hon : I'm afraid to report
that Castle Urum has just fallen!
Vermilio : That's impossible! (0:19:46.54)
Vermilio : Demon Lord Urum should have a combat level
of 60 up there with the other elites!
Vermilio : Where the hell did the humans find warriors
with enough strength to compete against that?!
Vermilio : Are you telling me they have
even MORE heroes?!
Hon : Even more? (0:19:56.58)
Hon : N-no, it wasn't a hero.
They were some kind of strange knights.
Hon : White knights that had wings. (0:20:01.04)
Hon : Apparently, their strength was far beyond
any of the previous human warriors we've fought.
Ista : But as far as I know,
there's no such thing as winged humans.
Vermilio : Are the citizens okay?! (0:20:10.17)
Hon : Put your mind at ease. (0:20:11.83)
Hon : The Demon Lord stepped up and
sacrificed himself to buy everyone some time,
Hon : which allowed for most all of the soldiers
and citizens to escape safely.
Vermilio : Oh, wow... (0:20:21.29)
Vermilio : He must have fought hard. (0:20:23.42)
Vermilio : What incredible bravery. (0:20:25.50)
Kenros : Rock, paper, scissors! (0:20:31.29)
Ista : I hate to say it, (0:20:34.88)
Ista : but is there any chance the humans have
caught on to the existence of the capital?
Vermilio : It's not really concerning
if they've figured out that much.
Vermilio : The biggest issue right now is the undeniable fact
they've marched upon this decaying land
Vermilio : and captured Castle Urum. (0:20:45.96)
Vermilio : Because if they still have strength left to fight,
the next place they'll come for is here!
Vermilio : Reinforce the barrier and prepare
our forces for combat immediately!
Hon : Understood. (0:20:54.54)
Kenros : I didn't feel a thing from that attack
thanks to the power of the contract!
Helck : Crazy, huh? (0:21:05.79)
Vermilio : Those human bastards! (0:21:10.92)
Vermilio : What diabolical means have they used now?! (0:21:12.88)
EXTRA : Next time: "Anne from Management" (0:22:46.75)

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