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Adonis : Hey, are we at the border yet? (0:00:57.66)
Adonis : My legs are killing me. (0:01:01.12)
Adonis : It's so hot, I could die. (0:01:03.87)
Adonis : Chloe, are you listening? (0:01:06.52)
Chloe Morgan : Be quiet. (0:01:09.12)
Chloe Morgan : I'm checking our location now. (0:01:11.12)
Adonis : Aw, man. This is exhausting. (0:01:11.64)
Adonis : Can't you use magic? (0:01:14.30)
Adonis : At least make it cooler. (0:01:16.24)
Chloe Morgan : You idiot. My magic isn't that cheap. (0:01:18.26)
Chloe Morgan : If you keep complaining,
I'll leave you behind.
Chloe Morgan : Let's see. This way is north, so... (0:01:25.16)
Adonis : I found our location. (0:01:29.45)
Chloe Morgan : Hey! (0:01:32.58)
Chloe Morgan : Didn't I tell you not to use weird machines
because they'll use them to find us?
Adonis : It's not a "weird machine."
It's a smartphone.
Adonis : Besides, I made this myself,
so they can't use it to track us.
Adonis : It uses free-form summoning magic to replace (0:01:44.20)
Adonis : its radio waves with
multidimensional photons,
Adonis : so not even the army's
triangulation technology can find us.
Adonis : And it doesn't need batteries. (0:01:51.67)
Adonis : Pretty handy, right? (0:01:53.07)
Adonis : Besides, using paper maps
in this day and age is lame.
Adonis : I'll make you your own sometime. (0:01:58.96)
Chloe Morgan : You cheeky little brat. (0:02:06.36)
Chloe Morgan : Okay, got it. (0:02:09.48)
Chloe Morgan : How long are you going to stay down there? (0:02:11.28)
Chloe Morgan : Stand up. (0:02:13.73)
Chloe Morgan : What is it? (0:02:16.92)
Adonis : Why do we have to keep running? (0:02:19.08)
Chloe Morgan : Because I'm a witch. (0:02:24.01)
Chloe Morgan : Attitudes towards witches have changed. (0:02:26.74)
Chloe Morgan : Now simply living is a struggle. (0:02:29.66)
Chloe Morgan : Blending in when in human cities,
living away from human towns...
Chloe Morgan : I'm more like a ninja than a witch. (0:02:36.76)
Chloe Morgan : Nin... (0:02:39.96)
Chloe Morgan : Let's go, Adonis. (0:02:48.28)
Adonis : Okay. (0:02:51.79)
Chloe Morgan : Until we cross the border,
no talking unless necessary.
Adonis : Okay. (0:02:58.22)
Chloe Morgan : We need to find a place
that's tolerant towards witches,
Chloe Morgan : so we can reclaim our peaceful, happy life. (0:03:03.00)
Chloe Morgan : We need to find a school
for you to attend, too.
Chloe Morgan : You just might get to do what you want. (0:03:09.79)
Adonis : I thought we weren't supposed
to talk unless necessary.
Adonis : I don't care about school. (0:03:16.50)
Adonis : I'd rather keep studying under you. (0:03:19.25)
Chloe Morgan : You like older women, Adonis? (0:03:22.48)
Adonis : It's not like that! (0:03:25.04)
Adonis : What are y-you even saying? (0:03:26.60)
Adonis : Hey, Chloe. (0:03:33.04)
Adonis : How are you fine? Aren't you frustrated? (0:03:34.81)
Adonis : I hate this place. The Redia Empire. (0:03:39.25)
Adonis : We should eradicate humans with magic. (0:03:44.33)
Chloe Morgan : Did you say something, Adonis? (0:03:50.06)
Adonis : Chloe, something's coming. (0:03:53.33)
Adonis : I'll handle this. (0:04:03.34)
Chloe Morgan : No. (0:04:05.06)
Chloe Morgan : You're too inexperienced. (0:04:06.33)
Adonis : Chloe! (0:04:08.68)
Chloe Morgan : Ice Magic: Oliot. (0:04:13.10)
Chloe Morgan : Honestly. They never learn their lesson! (0:04:26.48)
Chloe Morgan : I'm exhausted. (0:05:15.12)
Chloe Morgan : Let's go. (0:05:17.43)
Chloe Morgan : What's wrong? (0:05:20.87)
Adonis : Why won't you let me do anything? (0:05:22.89)
Adonis : I mean use magic. (0:05:27.18)
Adonis : I can cast spells, so why can't I fight? (0:05:28.95)
Adonis : I could've handled those wimps. (0:05:32.49)
Adonis : Why am I studying magic
if you won't let me use it?!
Chloe Morgan : Adonis, didn't I tell you? (0:05:37.28)
Chloe Morgan : You're too inexperienced with magic. (0:05:40.80)
Adonis : How could any student
of yours be inexperienced?
Chloe Morgan : If you whine too much, I'll get mad. (0:05:54.95)
Adonis : It's because I'm a human
like them, isn't it?
Adonis : You don't want me to kill my kind
because you're too nice.
Adonis : So no matter how much they mistreat you, (0:06:10.17)
Adonis : you suppress your emotions
so I won't fight humans,
Adonis : and you never allow me to fight them. (0:06:17.29)
Adonis : But I can't stand... (0:06:20.95)
Adonis : not being able to protect you anymore! (0:06:23.57)
Adonis : After all, I... Chloe, I... (0:06:29.85)
Chloe Morgan : Me, too, Adonis. (0:06:38.90)
Adonis : Yeah. (0:06:44.07)
Adonis : What? (0:06:54.37)
Adonis : We're floating. What is this? (0:06:57.39)
Chloe Morgan : Could it be? (0:06:59.27)
Chloe Morgan : They already completed it? (0:07:00.48)
Chloe Morgan : Not even witches can achieve
long-distance physical transfer.
Adonis : It's all right, Chloe. (0:07:07.59)
Adonis : I'm right here with you. (0:07:11.81)
Adonis : What's wrong with them? (0:09:46.35)
Adonis : That's... (0:09:54.86)
Chloe Morgan : Emperor Goethe. (0:09:56.38)
Adonis : Run, Chloe. (0:09:58.61)
Adonis : I'll buy you time. (0:10:01.61)
Adonis : These bastards... (0:10:06.66)
Adonis : Let go, damn it! (0:10:08.87)
Chloe Morgan : Listen to me, king of humans. (0:10:18.21)
Chloe Morgan : If you value the lives of your people,
then let go of my apprentice.
Chloe Morgan : Now. (0:10:27.64)
Chloe Morgan : Is your silence your answer? (0:10:32.60)
Chloe Morgan : Citizens, you are human like Adonis. (0:10:36.61)
Chloe Morgan : I didn't want to fight you. (0:10:41.69)
Chloe Morgan : If I were to destroy you, that boy
wouldn't have a home to return to.
Chloe Morgan : So I've allowed you to live. (0:10:50.04)
Chloe Morgan : But you're too dangerous! (0:10:55.08)
Chloe Morgan : My magic... disappeared? (0:11:05.52)
Adonis : Why isn't my magic activating? (0:11:30.75)
Adonis : Chloe! (0:11:43.52)
Adonis : Now you've done it. (0:12:08.08)
Adonis : I'll kill you! I'll kill you! (0:12:11.37)
Adonis : Chloe, you just wait! I'll be right there! (0:12:15.36)
Chloe Morgan : Your Majesty (0:12:28.88)
Chloe Morgan : I am to blame. (0:12:32.29)
Chloe Morgan : That boy has nothing to do with this. (0:12:34.12)
Chloe Morgan : As you said, witches should be eradicated. (0:12:38.06)
Chloe Morgan : But that boy is different. (0:12:42.44)
Chloe Morgan : Like you, he is human. (0:12:44.58)
Chloe Morgan : I kidnapped him and raised him as my slave. (0:12:47.22)
Chloe Morgan : He is a poor, miserable human boy. (0:12:50.95)
Chloe Morgan : Please... Please, as the emperor,
have mercy and spare this child's life.
Chloe Morgan : I don't care what happens to me. (0:13:03.96)
Adonis : A slave? (0:13:08.00)
Adonis : What are you talking about? (0:13:09.99)
Chloe Morgan : Have mercy. (0:13:12.44)
Adonis : It's okay. (0:13:18.21)
Adonis : I'll kill them all right now. (0:13:22.73)
Adonis : What's going on? (0:13:39.38)
Adonis : What is this? (0:13:44.45)
Chloe Morgan : Adonis... (0:13:50.37)
Chloe Morgan : Thank you for everything. (0:13:54.40)
Adonis : In that moment... (0:14:13.75)
Chloe Morgan : In that moment... (0:14:16.00)
Chloe Morgan : I love— (0:14:24.95)
Adonis : Stop! (0:14:39.64)
Chloe Morgan : I was truly, truly, truly happy. (0:14:45.83)
Doroka : Please stop fighting. (0:17:52.48)
Doroka : You're welcome to have this
if you'll please get along.
Doroka : Anna. (0:18:10.89)
Doroka : I'm fine. I'm full of energy. (0:18:16.49)
Doroka : See? (0:18:19.84)
Doroka : Anna, raise your head. (0:18:47.01)
Doroka : I'm here. It's me. (0:19:40.61)
Doroka : What? (0:20:01.88)
Doroka : How awful. (0:20:28.61)
Doroka : I don't think so! (0:21:13.69)
Doroka : I need to release the others. (0:21:15.91)
Doroka : Mister Phone, open all the cells. (0:21:17.76)
Doroka : Please release everyone! (0:21:27.01)
Doroka : Please, God! (0:21:32.01)
Doroka : Open the doors. (0:21:35.96)
Doroka : Please open all the cells. (0:21:38.66)
Doroka : Run, everyone! (0:21:50.79)

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