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Nobel : Don't worry. (0:00:26.21)
Nobel : I'm sure we'll meet again. (0:00:28.25)
Nobel : No matter what difficulties we face... (0:00:31.58)
Nobel : we'll fulfill our destiny. (0:00:35.51)
Denta Robo : Hey, you. (0:00:43.65)
Denta Robo : Do you know about the highly skilled,
humanoid robots called "Androids"?
Denta Robo : As the culmination of
cutting-edge technologies,
Denta Robo : Androids can free you from everyday labor! (0:00:53.06)
Denta Robo : With the sea level rising due to global warming,
the human population has plummeted,
Denta Robo : and today, humans alone can't take care
of all the necessary jobs themselves.
Denta Robo : Androids have brought us
the solution to that!
Denta Robo : Born to exist side-by-side with humans
and programmed to perfection,
Denta Robo : they're sure to become your
trusted partners in life!
Esora Shibaura (young) : Yes... sort of. (0:01:37.89)
Cobalt : Like I said, that's why we're a family! (0:01:42.01)
Neon : No way. (0:01:45.16)
Cobalt : But why?! I'm more like
an older brother than you, Neon!
Neon : That's dumb. (0:01:49.72)
Cobalt : C'mon, Kei! (0:01:51.38)
Cobalt : You'd be the oldest brother,
so say something!
Kei : Don't drag me into your stupid argument. (0:01:55.42)
Cobalt : Chrom, you're brother number two, right? (0:01:58.01)
Chrom : I'm busy collecting data right now. (0:02:01.01)
Cobalt : Come on! (0:02:03.72)
Cobalt : Call me "big brother"! (0:02:05.39)
Cobalt : Chrom, Kei, say something—! (0:02:07.33)
Eliza : Put a cork in it! (0:02:08.87)
Eliza : Hello. I am your personal
AI assistant, Eliza.
Eliza : As usual, you four are off
in your own worlds.
Cobalt : Eliza, listen! Neon won't... (0:02:21.16)
Eliza : Cobalt, this is the 366th time you've tried
to make Neon call you "big brother."
Cobalt : If you live under the same roof
and charge from the same Cradle,
Cobalt : that means you're family! (0:02:33.66)
Cobalt : That's what my programming tells me! (0:02:35.31)
Neon : What a pain. (0:02:36.94)
Chrom : He can't help it, though. (0:02:38.21)
Chrom : Cobalt's parameters are distributed (0:02:39.77)
Chrom : to make him express
a strong interest in family.
Cobalt : But still! (0:02:45.14)
Eliza : Age is merely a question
of your Body's appearance.
Eliza : You are Androids, after all. (0:02:50.78)
Cobalt : Wha—? (0:02:57.08)
Cobalt : Nora! Hey! Don't! (0:02:57.67)
Kei : Hey, you guys okay? (0:03:03.94)
Neon : I just can't. (0:03:06.18)
Kei : Geez. How does this thing get in, anyway? (0:03:09.29)
Eliza : Your Body has suffered 38 percent damage. (0:03:12.25)
Eliza : You require a mechanical
examination immediately.
Kei : In order to get fixed, we need money, right? (0:03:18.24)
Chrom : Since we don't have any
operation requests set up,
Chrom : how would we know what labor
to perform to earn an income?
Chrom : I haven't the slightest idea. (0:03:26.92)
Eliza : Speaking of which, I have
an important notification for you all.
Eliza : A collections notice has arrived (0:03:31.71)
Eliza : for the electrical bills you've
built up over the last year.
Cobalt : Collection? (0:03:36.73)
Chrom : Money is required to use electrical power. (0:03:38.28)
Chrom : Didn't they tell us that every month? (0:03:41.28)
Eliza : You knew but still didn't pay? (0:03:42.99)
Chrom : I am unable to process operation
requests to "pay the electrical bill."
Chrom : Plus, we don't have any
money to begin with.
Kei : What happens if we just don't pay it? (0:03:53.19)
Eliza : Most likely, your power will be shut off, (0:03:56.21)
Eliza : and you'll have no way
to recharge your energy.
Eliza : Basically... (0:04:01.74)
Neon : A forced shutdown. (0:04:02.69)
Cobalt : So that means... (0:04:04.76)
Chrom : You'll run out of power and won't be
able to boot up. That's basically it.
Cobalt : That's horrible! (0:04:12.34)
Cobalt : What can I do?! What am I gonna do?! (0:04:14.60)
Eliza : At any rate, for now you must
find some way to pay the bill.
Chrom : But the operation request has not— (0:04:19.33)
Eliza : Put a cork in it! (0:04:21.65)
Eliza : Then there is no other choice. (0:04:24.22)
Eliza : I will issue a operation request this time. (0:04:25.72)
Kei : "Earn wages to pay the power bill," huh? (0:04:29.50)
Chrom : Wages are commonly earned
as compensation for labor.
Chrom : We should begin by searching
through job listings.
Kei : Yeah. (0:04:40.85)
Denta Robo : Babel. The symbol of a new age. (0:04:44.66)
Denta Robo : A new paradise. (0:04:48.13)
Denta Robo : An entertainment tower that provides
all kinds of thrills and information!
Denta Robo : Participants known as "Climbers"
enthrall audiences with song and dance
Denta Robo : to clear the Climb Stages! (0:04:58.51)
Denta Robo : From the first to the fifth Stage,
they win a reward for each level they clear!
Denta Robo : And what awaits them beyond those
levels? Is it freedom? Glory?
Denta Robo : Esteemed Climbers, now is the time
to assemble at the tower of wisdom!
Cobalt : We're here! (0:05:18.44)
Neon : This is Babel? (0:05:20.42)
Kei : If we can win over audiences here
with our singing, we'll get a reward.
Chrom : I always thought that participants
had to be human to register,
Chrom : but they didn't even check us, did they? (0:05:30.14)
Cobalt : Hey, why did the humans
build this place, anyway?
Cobalt : Collecting everything exciting in one
place so they can keep having fun...
Cobalt : What's the point? (0:05:43.93)
Chrom : Maybe they don't want to forget their
happy memories. Could that be it?
Cobalt : Forget? (0:05:49.82)
Chrom : Human memory apparently weakens
over time and eventually disappears.
Chrom : That's why humans seek out the same
experiences—to recall their lost memories.
Chrom : I read about it in a book a while ago. (0:06:01.24)
Cobalt : Hmm. (0:06:03.86)
Cobalt : Are we there? (0:06:08.92)
Neon : But there's nobody here. (0:06:09.97)
Chrom : According to the instructions they gave us, (0:06:11.85)
Chrom : if we pass through there,
we'll end up on stage.
Kei : It's about time. (0:06:17.43)
Cobalt : This might be the first time
since booting up
Cobalt : that the four of us have
done something together.
Neon : You're probably right. (0:06:23.63)
Chrom : Apparently, that is what is
called a "first collaboration."
Cobalt : Whoa. (0:06:28.95)
Cobalt : Let's go! (0:06:31.22)
Denta Robo : New Climbers have arrived
on the first Climb Stage!
Kei : Is that the audience? (0:06:42.59)
Chrom : It seems like it. (0:06:44.20)
Chrom : The first Stage is held in virtual reality, (0:06:45.88)
Chrom : so the viewers watch and rate
the performance in VR.
Denta Robo : Okay, guys. Are you ready to go? (0:06:53.51)
Denta Robo : All right, then. Show us what you've got! (0:06:57.27)
Cobalt : Elephant, elephant (0:07:01.89)
Chrom : Poor thing, poor thing, little lost kitty (0:07:05.78)
Cobalt : What a really long nose you have there (0:07:06.23)
Chrom : Where in the world could your home be? (0:07:09.68)
Cobalt : Sure I do, and I'll show you (0:07:10.20)
Chrom : I asked where home was, but, "I don't know" (0:07:13.18)
Cobalt : Mommy's is long, too (0:07:14.54)
Chrom : I asked her name too, but, "I don't know" (0:07:17.22)
Cobalt : Elephant, elephant (0:07:18.77)
Chrom : Meow meow meow meow,
meow meow meow meow
Cobalt : Who in the world do you like best? (0:07:22.88)
Cobalt : Well— (0:07:26.81)
Denta Robo : A forced shutdown! Too bad! (0:07:27.82)
Denta Robo : First Climb Stage failed! (0:07:32.09)
Cobalt : That scared me! (0:07:43.95)
Neon : That sucked. (0:07:45.62)
Chrom : This is... It seems we were
sent back to the entrance.
Kei : I guess that wasn't good enough. (0:07:51.31)
Kei : What did we do wrong, though? (0:07:54.04)
Chrom : No idea. We sung in perfect pitch and
danced according to our programming.
Kite : We're at the top of Babel? (0:08:05.04)
Kite : We'll take you to even greater heights. (0:08:07.88)
Kite : Come with us! (0:08:10.11)
Kei : So they were top-level Climbers, huh? (0:08:47.66)
Neon : They got a ton of "Excellent" votes. (0:08:50.66)
Chrom : The crowd noise exceeded 120 decibels. (0:08:53.73)
Chrom : That's essentially as loud as thunder. (0:08:56.43)
Cobalt : What makes them so different? (0:08:59.39)
Chrom : Whoa, there. (0:09:04.04)
Kei : What's up? (0:09:05.31)
Chrom : Well, something fell from above. (0:09:06.33)
Kei : Above? (0:09:08.43)
Neon : A human? (0:09:13.77)
Chrom : Did that person drop this? (0:09:15.65)
Cobalt : Kei! (0:09:20.86)
Kei : I'm on it! (0:09:21.47)
Cobalt : Hey, kid, you okay? (0:09:26.00)
Chrom : It might be heat stroke. (0:09:28.35)
Kei : Let's get him somewhere cooler! (0:09:30.10)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Dad? (0:09:35.93)
Cobalt : Ah! Are you awake? (0:09:46.58)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Where am I? (0:09:49.69)
Kei : A nearby park. (0:09:51.22)
Chrom : You passed out on the footbridge. (0:09:53.00)
Chrom : It must have been the heat. (0:09:55.82)
Neon : Don't you have a heat-resistant cape? (0:09:58.11)
Kei : It's risky to go out during
the daytime dressed like that.
Esora Shibaura (young) : A-And who are you all? (0:10:04.13)
Cobalt : Androids that were just passing by. (0:10:05.99)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Huh? Androids? (0:10:07.96)
Chrom : Yes. That's why we can do
things outside during the day.
Esora Shibaura (young) : Oh, I see. (0:10:14.81)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Thank you very much for saving me. (0:10:18.08)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I'm Esora. Esora Shibaura. (0:10:20.99)
Cobalt : My name is Cobalt. (0:10:23.75)
Chrom : I am Chrom. (0:10:25.15)
Neon : Neon. (0:10:26.24)
Kei : I'm Kei. (0:10:27.15)
Cobalt : Oh, that's right. (0:10:28.12)
Cobalt : I think you dropped this. (0:10:29.82)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I threw that thing away. (0:10:35.42)
Cobalt : Huh? (0:10:37.34)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Um, (0:10:38.29)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Androids can't share someone's
secrets with other people...
Esora Shibaura (young) : They're equipped with
privacy protection, right?
Chrom : Yes, that's right. (0:10:47.55)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Can I tell you something, then? (0:10:50.63)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Today was my father's funeral. (0:10:55.71)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Actually, I'm adopted,
so I'm not really his son.
Esora Shibaura (young) : My real parents died when I was a baby. (0:11:04.07)
Esora Shibaura (young) : My father was their friend.
He was single, but he took me in.
Esora Shibaura (young) : I'm grateful to my father,
but he was so busy with work...
Esora Shibaura (young) : I was always left by myself. (0:11:21.93)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Dad, where are you going? (0:11:28.63)
Hakushuu Shibaura : I'm going to the lab. (0:11:30.50)
Esora Shibaura (young) : U-Um, what about dinner? (0:11:32.08)
Hakushuu Shibaura : I don't need any. (0:11:34.33)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Father's health declined,
and then one day he collapsed.
Esora Shibaura (young) : I eventually went to see him,
but by then, he was already...
Esora Shibaura (young) : He died before we'd made
any memories together.
Esora Shibaura (young) : The only thing he left
behind was this letter.
Esora Shibaura (young) : But... it's not even addressed to me. (0:12:04.05)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Even though he was busy with work
and couldn't talk to me,
Esora Shibaura (young) : I... I still wish he'd at least... (0:12:16.42)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Dad didn't want me in his world, after all. (0:12:22.59)
Cobalt : Hey, can I take a look at that letter? (0:12:31.33)
Cobalt : Hmm. (0:12:36.90)
Cobalt : Oh, hey, what does this say? (0:12:39.27)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Huh? That's weird. (0:12:42.92)
Esora Shibaura (young) : It might be broken. (0:12:45.66)
Cobalt : Maybe it'll work if I hit it. (0:12:47.74)
Neon : Idiot! Stop it, Cobalt! (0:12:50.37)
Cobalt : Look, something came out! (0:12:53.98)
Neon : A video? (0:12:56.24)
Kei : What's it showing? (0:12:57.17)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I don't know. I've never seen this before. (0:12:58.82)
Cobalt : This kid looks like you, Esora. (0:13:02.17)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Huh? Me? (0:13:04.68)
Neon : Definitely. Do you remember any of this? (0:13:06.38)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I don't know. (0:13:10.27)
Esora Shibaura (young) : It looks like a normal family video. (0:13:11.77)
Cobalt : Family... (0:13:15.96)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I still don't remember anything. (0:13:19.09)
Cobalt : Send me an operation request! (0:13:21.11)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Huh? (0:13:22.84)
Cobalt : Chrom said that humans
can forget their memories.
Cobalt : But if they do the same thing over again,
sometimes they can remember.
Esora Shibaura (young) : Um... (0:13:31.40)
Cobalt : This might be an important family memory, (0:13:32.45)
Cobalt : so you should try to go to
the place in the video!
Kei : He's reacting to the word "family" again. (0:13:40.00)
Cobalt : Send me an operation request!
Let's go there together!
Neon : His parameters are running wild. (0:13:43.17)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Huh? Um, hold on a minute... (0:13:43.65)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Does that work? (0:13:49.32)
Cobalt : Yeah! (0:13:50.96)
Cobalt : Okay, let's all go looking for
the place from Esora's memories!
Kei : You say "go," but... (0:13:55.83)
Neon : We don't have any idea where it is. (0:13:57.65)
Chrom : Let's start with a close inspection
of the video footage.
Cobalt : Well? (0:14:06.60)
Esora Shibaura (young) : It might be a park or something. (0:14:10.51)
Esora Shibaura (young) : There's a lot of greenery
and there's a big clock tower, too.
Chrom : That seems highly likely. (0:14:17.19)
Chrom : Well then, let's search the parks
that were in your vicinity.
Cobalt : That's our Chrom! We can count on you! (0:14:24.12)
Cobalt : All right then, let's go! (0:14:26.69)
Cobalt : Next one! (0:14:41.75)
Cobalt : Next one! (0:14:43.34)
Cobalt : Next one! (0:14:45.17)
Kei : We still haven't found it. (0:14:48.75)
Chrom : We've been to all of the parks
within range that have a clock tower.
Neon : Getting hot? (0:14:56.02)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I'm okay. (0:14:57.07)
Neon : Hey, what do humans do for Body cooling? (0:14:58.80)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Cooling? Let's see... (0:15:02.54)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Some people take baths in cold water. (0:15:05.85)
Esora Shibaura (young) : And there's stuff like
soft serve ice cream.
Neon : Ice cream? (0:15:10.47)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Oh, that's right. (0:15:12.25)
Esora Shibaura (young) : You guys can just recharge
instead of eating, right?
Kei : I'm starting to run low. (0:15:17.06)
Chrom : We can withstand the heat, (0:15:18.66)
Chrom : but cooling our Bodies still
consumes a lot of energy.
Neon : Guys, should we all take a cold bath? (0:15:23.73)
Cobalt : Water... (0:15:27.65)
Cobalt : Oh! (0:15:30.06)
Cobalt : That video was from when
Esora was still little.
Cobalt : I figured the park might be underwater now, (0:15:41.00)
Cobalt : so I tried searching for parks
that have been flooded.
Esora Shibaura (young) : Ice cream... (0:15:50.02)
Neon : Huh? (0:15:51.68)
Esora Shibaura (young) : That day was so hot, (0:15:52.96)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I asked Dad to buy me some ice cream. (0:15:55.94)
Hakushuu Shibaura : Here you go. (0:16:01.35)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Wow! (0:16:02.41)
Hakushuu Shibaura : Hold on tight, okay? (0:16:04.23)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Okay! (0:16:05.98)
Hakushuu Shibaura : Ah... Esora! (0:16:07.44)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Dad, hurry, hurry! (0:16:10.34)
Hakushuu Shibaura : Esora! (0:16:13.99)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Ouch, ouch! (0:16:15.45)
Hakushuu Shibaura : Esora, are you all right? (0:16:16.67)
Esora Shibaura (young) : I-I'm sorry! The ice cream you bought for me... (0:16:20.26)
Hakushuu Shibaura : That's okay. Come here. (0:16:27.13)
Hakushuu Shibaura : I'm glad you didn't get hurt, (0:16:31.69)
Hakushuu Shibaura : since you're a dear part
of my family, Esora.
Esora Shibaura (young) : That's right. I... (0:16:42.53)
Esora Shibaura (young) : We really were a family. (0:16:45.50)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Dad... (0:16:49.73)
Chrom : That melody... (0:16:59.97)
Neon : I know it. (0:17:01.51)
Kei : But from where? (0:17:03.09)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Thank you very much. (0:17:32.50)
Esora Shibaura (young) : Thanks to you guys, I think
I know my father a little better.
Esora Shibaura (young) : All of you are really... (0:17:39.39)
Cobalt : Bye-bye! (0:17:55.55)
Neon : Esora was crying. (0:17:57.90)
Cobalt : But he was smiling, too. (0:17:59.84)
Chrom : Humans apparently have many kinds of tears. (0:18:01.47)
Kei : By the way, what was that song just now? (0:18:05.00)
Neon : I don't know. (0:18:08.06)
Chrom : We were all singing it together. (0:18:09.47)
Cobalt : Four people singing one song...? (0:18:12.65)
Cobalt : Guys! (0:18:17.38)
Cobalt : Let's go to Babel one more time! (0:18:19.05)
Kei : What now, all of a sudden? (0:18:20.68)
Cobalt : Let's sing that song together! (0:18:22.31)
Chrom : I see. We can all sing one song together. (0:18:24.74)
Neon : Just like the top Climbers. (0:18:28.28)
Kei : You know, that just might work. (0:18:30.33)
Cobalt : Let's go! (0:18:33.58)
Cobalt : To Babel! (0:18:34.83)
Denta Robo : Babel first Climber Stage, cleared! (0:20:10.39)
Denta Robo : Next time, you'll move up a level! (0:20:14.52)
Cobalt : Yeah! (0:20:16.46)
Night : Wow. (0:20:19.15)
Night : Looks like we have some... (0:20:20.74)
Light : ...interesting newcomers. (0:20:22.84)
Cobalt : We did it! We did it! (0:21:57.96)
Neon : Cobalt, keep it down. (0:21:59.78)
Cobalt : But we actually cleared a stage! (0:22:00.96)
Kei : I didn't realize the reward
would be that small, though.
Kei : It won't make a dent in the electricity bill. (0:22:07.30)
Chrom : If we can beat the next stage,
we can pay more—
Cobalt : What's wrong? (0:22:13.58)
Kei : Over there. There's someone on the ground. (0:22:14.89)
Cobalt : Huh? (0:22:17.49)
Kei : Hey, are you okay? (0:22:20.68)
Chrom : I can detect alcohol on his breath. (0:22:23.79)
Neon : He's just a drunk. (0:22:26.70)
Cobalt : Mister! You can't sleep here! (0:22:28.40)
Kei : This isn't good. (0:22:34.20)
Chrom : What should we do? (0:22:35.85)
Chrom : He must be from the factory. (0:22:53.14)
Neon : They must have it really rough. (0:22:55.06)
Cobalt : At least we were able to do a good deed. (0:22:56.85)
Cobalt : Okay, should we head back home? (0:22:59.55)
Neon : Cobalt... (0:23:02.75)
Kei : That hat... (0:23:04.00)
Cobalt : Ah! (0:23:05.94)
Kei : Is anyone here? (0:23:08.64)
Cobalt : Please excuse us. (0:23:10.24)
Neon : Is it okay for us to sneak in? (0:23:12.09)
Chrom : Well, we didn't really have a choice. (0:23:14.78)
Cobalt : That guy is probably looking
for his hat right now.
Kei : If we get caught, we'll
just have to explain.
Kei : What was that? (0:23:27.71)
Neon : Something fell. (0:23:28.60)
Kei : Did it fall... in there? (0:23:34.56)
Neon : But from where? (0:23:37.20)
Cobalt : Isn't that the robot from before? (0:23:44.18)

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