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Tanabe : I am Hanako. (0:00:03.72)
Tanabe : You are my friend. (0:00:05.75)
Tanabe : He is a teacher. (0:00:07.89)
Tanabe : You are my friend. (0:00:09.87)
Takagi : Hey, Nishikata. (0:00:16.41)
Takagi : What are you doing? (0:00:25.06)
Nishikata : Wh-What, Takagi-san? (0:00:27.21)
Nishikata : It's... (0:00:28.99)
Nishikata : nothing. (0:00:32.37)
Nishikata : "Eraser." (0:02:10.91)
Nishikata : This springs back well. (0:02:16.17)
Nishikata : Now all I have to do is put this in here
to complete the jack-in-the-box!
Nishikata : Just you wait, Takagi-san. (0:02:27.93)
Nishikata : W-What's wrong? (0:02:36.09)
Takagi : Uh, my pencil case won't open. (0:02:37.88)
Takagi : Maybe it got dented when I dropped it. (0:02:41.33)
Takagi : Hey, Nishikata, can you open it? (0:02:44.81)
Nishikata : Uh... okay. (0:02:48.07)
Nishikata : Wait, it opened easily— (0:02:56.94)
Tanabe : What is it, Nishikata?! (0:03:05.52)
Nishikata : Uh, s-sorry, sir. It's nothing. (0:03:08.57)
Takagi : Seriously, Nishikata.
Your reaction is priceless.
Nishikata : Sh-Shut up! (0:03:29.54)
Nishikata : Damn it. (0:03:36.33)
Nishikata : She got me. (0:03:38.39)
Nishikata : Worse, she tricked me
with what I was about to do.
Nishikata : It was odd that Takagi-san
asked me for help to begin with.
Nishikata : I should've realized then! (0:03:50.72)
Nishikata : I have to plan my next move. (0:03:53.65)
Nishikata : But how can I embarrass Takagi-san? (0:03:56.89)
Takagi : Hey... (0:04:10.00)
Nishikata : Wh-What? (0:04:12.37)
Takagi : Can I borrow your eraser? I forgot mine. (0:04:16.31)
Nishikata : You forgot your eraser?
You're such an airhead!
Takagi : I guess so. Thanks. (0:04:35.94)
Takagi : That reminds me... (0:04:51.98)
Takagi : You know how they say
if you write your crush's name
Takagi : on an eraser and you use it
all up, your love will become mutual?
Nishikata : Oh, yeah. I remember something like that. (0:05:02.95)
Nishikata : It's childish now that I think about it. (0:05:05.41)
Takagi : Hmm, (0:05:10.39)
Takagi : "childish," huh? (0:05:12.51)
Takagi : Hmm... (0:05:26.76)
Nishikata : What...? (0:05:29.45)
Takagi : Hmm... (0:05:39.49)
Nishikata : W-What...? (0:05:45.18)
Takagi : Oh? (0:05:50.91)
Nishikata : There's nothing written there, right? (0:05:53.70)
Nishikata : I wouldn't do something that childish. (0:05:56.92)
Takagi : Oh, I see. (0:06:01.82)
Nishikata : You're lying. You're making fun of me again. (0:06:05.74)
Takagi : Eh? You think so? (0:06:10.23)
Nishikata : Did I?! Did I write something?! (0:06:13.47)
Nishikata : Did I just forget? (0:06:17.37)
Nishikata : G-Give it back. (0:06:26.36)
Takagi : Here. (0:06:31.67)
Nishikata : Y-You got it all wrong! (0:06:33.05)
Nishikata : Someone else wrote it! Yeah! (0:06:34.78)
Nishikata : There's nothing on it! (0:06:42.05)
Nishikata : Takagi-san, you have your own eraser! (0:06:45.17)
Nishikata : Ow! (0:06:49.22)
Tanabe : Shut it. (0:06:51.05)
Nishikata : S-Sorry, sir. (0:06:52.90)
Takagi : You were so flustered,
and then you got in trouble.
Takagi : Oh, jeez. That's enough, already. (0:07:03.53)
Nishikata : That's my line! (0:07:06.79)
Takagi : Sensei, may I go use the restroom? (0:07:09.10)
Tanabe : All right. (0:07:12.40)
Nishikata : Th-There must be something. (0:07:18.84)
Nishikata : Something to embarrass Takagi-san. (0:07:21.29)
Nishikata : I know! (0:07:28.17)
Nishikata : I'll write someone's name on Takagi-san's eraser (0:07:30.17)
Nishikata : and make fun of her when she
comes back from the restroom.
Nishikata : Well, then. Whose name should I wri— (0:07:36.38)
Nishikata : What? There's a name on it already?! (0:07:43.15)
Nishikata : Sh-Should I not look? (0:07:50.06)
Nishikata : Maybe just one letter... (0:07:52.55)
EXTRA : Lo (0:07:55.07)
Nishikata : "Lo"? Lo... (0:07:57.83)
Nishikata : That means... (0:08:00.30)
Nishikata : It's not... my name. (0:08:07.45)
Nishikata : It's not like... I'm upset or anything. (0:08:12.91)
Nishikata : Damn it! (0:08:32.53)
Nishikata : I'm gonna look at it! (0:08:37.04)
Nishikata : The whole thing! (0:08:39.41)
EXTRA : Look at the hallway (0:08:46.50)
Nishikata : Huh? (0:08:49.23)
Nishikata : She... She got me! (0:08:58.06)
Takagi : Nishikata, your face was priceless. (0:09:06.71)
Takagi : And you acted exactly how I predicted. (0:09:10.94)
Takagi : That's why I can't help but tease you! (0:09:17.35)
Nishikata : J-Just you wait, Takagi-san! (0:09:22.63)
Nishikata : I'll get back at you someday
and embarrass you!
Takagi : I'll be waiting. (0:09:29.84)
Nishikata : Oh, so you think I can't do it, huh?! (0:09:31.46)
Takagi : Well, yeah. (0:09:34.70)
Nishikata : I'm serious! You better be ready! (0:09:35.82)
Takagi : I think it's impossible. (0:09:39.34)
Takagi : Especially when you missed with a 50/50 chance. (0:09:41.40)
Nishikata : Huh? "A 50/50 chance"? What? (0:09:45.02)
Takagi : I'm not telling you. (0:09:48.91)
Nishikata : Day duty is such a pain... (0:09:52.19)
Nishikata : Why do I have to go to school early
to clean the blackboard and write a log?
Nishikata : Day duty is awesome! (0:10:05.41)
Nishikata : They do say the early bird gets the worm. (0:10:07.34)
Nishikata : Wait, this is a token from the arcade. (0:10:12.49)
EXTRA : Day Duty (0:10:19.05)
Nishikata : "Day Duty." (0:10:19.70)
Nishikata : I know. (0:10:25.55)
Nishikata : I should use this opportunity
to rig Takagi-san's desk.
Nishikata : Just thinking about it woke me up a little... (0:10:33.34)
Nishikata : Ta... (0:10:41.37)
Nishikata : Takagi-san is already here. (0:10:48.17)
Nishikata : Why? (0:10:51.38)
Nishikata : No one's here. (0:10:57.69)
Nishikata : That's odd. (0:10:59.63)
Nishikata : Was I just imagining it? (0:11:01.51)
Nishikata : No, I feel it. Takagi-san's presence! (0:11:05.83)
Nishikata : She's hiding somewhere. (0:11:11.06)
Nishikata : That was close. (0:11:14.02)
Nishikata : I was about to let my guard
down and start humming.
Nishikata : Where? Where is she? (0:11:19.49)
EXTRA : Takagi (0:11:26.33)
Nishikata : Heh, you're making this too easy, Takagi-san. (0:11:29.21)
Nishikata : I can see your indoor shoes beneath the desk. (0:11:31.91)
Nishikata : You're probably planning to surprise me
as I'm about to clean the blackboard.
Nishikata : But I won't let that happen. (0:11:39.19)
Nishikata : Aw, man. (0:11:42.43)
Nishikata : Day duty is such a pain.
I'm not gonna do my duties.
Nishikata : N o one will notice if I don't clean the blackboard, anyway. (0:11:47.48)
Nishikata : Take that, Takagi-san! (0:11:51.05)
Nishikata : You must be so mortified
that your plan failed.
Nishikata : I really wanna see the look
on Takagi-san's face.
Nishikata : But wait... (0:12:03.49)
Nishikata : Would Takagi-san make the simple mistake (0:12:04.64)
Nishikata : of leaving her indoor shoes
completely exposed like that?
Nishikata : No! She wouldn't! (0:12:10.95)
Nishikata : Which means that's a dummy! (0:12:12.96)
Nishikata : That was close. (0:12:15.38)
Nishikata : I wouldn't expect anything less from Takagi-san. (0:12:17.79)
Nishikata : Well, then... Where could she be? (0:12:20.60)
Nishikata : It's Takagi-san. There's no way she isn't here. (0:12:24.15)
Nishikata : It doesn't look like she's in the hallway. (0:12:32.83)
Nishikata : Then, the only place left is... (0:12:35.10)
Nishikata : I'm going to the restroom. (0:12:42.67)
Nishikata : I'm gonna surprise her. (0:12:46.67)
Nishikata : I got you! (0:12:51.16)
Nishikata : Sh-She's not here! (0:12:56.71)
Nishikata : What the heck am I doing? (0:13:14.90)
Takagi : You okay? (0:13:31.39)
Nishikata : Y-You were behind the curtain! (0:13:32.41)
Takagi : You had no idea, did you? (0:13:35.92)
Takagi : This curtain is a bit see-through,
so I could see the whole time.
Nishikata : Damn it. She looks so happy. (0:13:45.73)
Takagi : Oh, that was fun. (0:13:49.76)
Takagi : Just remembering how you acted... (0:13:51.94)
Takagi : It was worth waking up early. (0:13:57.76)
Nishikata : Just for this?! (0:13:59.89)
Takagi : Yup! (0:14:02.52)
Nishikata : Damn you, Takagi-san. (0:14:08.73)
Takagi : Hey, Nishikata. (0:14:11.56)
Takagi : It's just the two of us
in this quiet classroom.
Takagi : Doesn't it kind of feel like we're
the only ones in the world?
Takagi : I hope no one else comes. (0:14:29.27)
Nishikata : Um... Takagi-san... (0:14:36.26)
Nishikata : Takagi-san... (0:14:39.23)
Nishikata : Could it be... that you... (0:14:42.41)
Mina Hibino : Morning! (0:14:47.15)
Mina Hibino : Such nice weather we're having! (0:14:50.11)
Yukari Amakawa : Jeez, how is it that you're
so perky in the morning, Mina?
Mina Hibino : Huh? It's normal! (0:14:56.90)
Sanae Tsukimoto : You're wearing me out. (0:15:00.18)
Mina Hibino : No, Sanae-chan! (0:15:01.75)
Mina Hibino : Saying you're tired
makes all your happiness go away!
Mina Hibino : I saw it on TV! (0:15:06.38)
Yukari Amakawa : You actually believe that?
You know it's not true, right?
Mina Hibino : It is true! (0:15:11.85)
Mina Hibino : It's better to be cheerful! (0:15:13.26)
Sanae Tsukimoto : So annoying... (0:15:15.05)
Mina Hibino : Ow! (0:15:15.92)
Mina Hibino : That hurts, Sanae-chan. (0:15:17.19)
Yukari Amakawa : Stop that. (0:15:18.90)
Mina Hibino : Just try smiling, you two! (0:15:20.75)
Takagi : You were saying, Nishikata? (0:15:23.23)
Mina Hibino : Like this! See? (0:15:23.81)
Nishikata : It's nothing. (0:15:26.27)
Takagi : Speaking of which, did you
finish your day duty work?
Nishikata : Oh! I forgot! (0:15:35.26)
EXTRA : Funny Face (0:15:44.42)
Nishikata : "Funny Face." (0:15:44.89)
Nishikata : How do I get one over on Takagi-san? (0:15:51.08)
Nishikata : What should I do? (0:15:54.47)
Nakai : Oh, Nishikata. (0:15:57.58)
Nakai : What are you staring at the mirror for? (0:15:59.38)
Nishikata : Nakai-kun... (0:16:01.63)
Nakai : Were you practicing putting on
a pretty face or something?
Nishikata : No way. (0:16:06.13)
Nakai : A funny face, then? (0:16:09.67)
Nishikata : Of course... Okay! (0:16:13.09)
Nishikata : L-Like this...? (0:16:15.37)
Nakai : Anyway, you're kinda close
with Takagi-san, aren't you?
Nakai : Could it be that you like— (0:16:22.59)
Nakai : He's trying to change the subject.
It must be true.
Nakai : Nishikata! You do like Takagi-san, don't you— (0:16:31.01)
Nakai : What's with that face, Nishikata?! (0:16:36.82)
Nishikata : I had no idea I had such talent. (0:16:39.77)
Tanabe : All right, let's start class. (0:16:43.85)
Tanabe : Open to page thirty-six... (0:16:47.30)
Nishikata : This is perfect. (0:16:49.14)
Nishikata : It just happens to be the
scariest teacher, Tanabe-sensei!
Nishikata : I'll make you laugh
so hard with my funny face,
Nishikata : you'll get in deep trouble, Takagi-san. (0:16:55.98)
Nishikata : Oh, I wanna make Takagi-san laugh now. (0:17:07.37)
Nishikata : No, be patient. (0:17:09.63)
Nishikata : I have to wait until Takagi-san
starts a conversation to mock me.
Nishikata : When you're about to mock someone, (0:17:16.80)
Nishikata : that's when you least expect
yourself to be mocked.
Nishikata : That's when I strike! (0:17:22.93)
Nishikata : Come at me, Takagi-san. I'm wide open! (0:17:25.13)
Takagi : Hey, Nishikata. (0:17:29.86)
Nishikata : Here it is! (0:17:31.73)
Nishikata : What is it, Takagi-san? (0:17:33.69)
Nishikata : Take this! (0:17:36.12)
Nishikata : H-Huh...? (0:17:45.02)
Tanabe : Hey... (0:17:51.58)
Tanabe : Shut it, Nishikata! (0:17:53.88)
Nishikata : S-Sorry, sir! (0:17:56.69)
Nishikata : S-So scary... (0:17:58.34)
Nishikata : Damn it. (0:18:03.62)
Takagi : I was wondering what
you were trying to do, but...
Takagi : How unimaginative. (0:18:09.15)
Nishikata : Wha... (0:18:10.73)
Takagi : You should do this with your eyebrows
if you want to make a funny face.
Takagi : And do this with your cheeks. (0:18:16.57)
Nishikata : Like this? (0:18:20.83)
Takagi : Right, right. (0:18:21.84)
Takagi : Yup, yup. Looking good. (0:18:23.16)
Takagi : It's better than before. (0:18:25.86)
Nishikata : What is this? (0:18:28.12)
Takagi : Make your mouth look more like a duck. (0:18:29.73)
Nishikata : I'm trying to make her laugh, (0:18:33.31)
Nishikata : and yet, she's the one giving
me pointers on how to do it.
Nishikata : It's kinda humiliating. (0:18:39.50)
Nishikata : No matter! All I want is for Takagi-san
to laugh and get in trouble!
Nishikata : Like this? (0:18:48.93)
Takagi : Yeah, that's good! (0:18:50.59)
Takagi : It looks way better now! (0:18:52.64)
Nishikata : So why aren't you laughing? (0:18:54.48)
Takagi : I'll laugh so hard if you turn to your side. (0:18:57.84)
Nishikata : All right! Take this, Takagi-san! (0:19:00.74)
Tanabe : What are you doing, Nishikata?! (0:19:17.13)
Nishikata : Sorry! I'm sorry, sir! (0:19:20.09)
Tanabe : Jeez... (0:19:24.32)
Tanabe : Take my class seriously, will ya? (0:19:26.24)
Nishikata : I'm really sorry, sir. (0:19:28.49)
Takagi : My stomach hurts. (0:19:33.43)
Nishikata : She's laughing really hard, but... (0:19:35.97)
Nishikata : She got me again. (0:19:39.19)
Takagi : Hey, Nishikata. (0:19:43.63)
Nishikata : If I make Tanabe-sensei angry again, I'm done for. (0:19:50.55)
Nishikata : I gotta make sure I don't get involved
with Takagi-san during this class.
Takagi : You finally looked at me. (0:20:13.95)
Takagi : Let's have a staring contest. One, two... (0:20:24.27)
Takagi : Three... (0:20:28.08)
Nishikata : What's with that face, Takagi-san?! (0:20:33.55)
Tanabe : Nishikata! You! (0:20:36.25)
Nishikata : Nothing good happens
when Takagi-san gets my heart racing.
EXTRA : One Hundred Yen (0:22:16.43)
Mina Hibino : "One Hundred Yen." (0:22:17.35)
Yukari Amakawa : Ugh, I'm tired, yet again. (0:22:22.59)
Mina Hibino : Seriously! Don't say you're tired! (0:22:25.48)
Mina Hibino : Your happiness will go away! (0:22:29.59)
Yukari Amakawa : Sure, sure. (0:22:31.57)
Yukari Amakawa : What? What's wrong? (0:22:43.85)
Mina Hibino : Uh, nothing. Go on ahead. (0:22:46.01)
Yukari Amakawa : Huh? (0:22:49.61)
Mina Hibino : I'm just a little tired. (0:22:50.41)
Yukari Amakawa : What was that
about your happiness going away?
Mina Hibino : Huh? (0:22:55.06)
Mina Hibino : Yeah, what was it? (0:22:57.21)
Sanae Tsukimoto : Mina, (0:22:58.71)
Sanae Tsukimoto : what are you hiding under your foot? (0:22:59.64)
Mina Hibino : Huh? What are you talking about? (0:23:03.44)
Mina Hibino : Hey! (0:23:13.60)
Mina Hibino : I'm the one who found that hundred yen! (0:23:15.08)
Yukari Amakawa : You're so greedy... (0:23:19.26)
Sanae Tsukimoto : Mina... (0:23:21.50)
Sanae Tsukimoto : It's a token. (0:23:23.14)
Mina Hibino : Aww, (0:23:25.53)
Mina Hibino : I said I was tired, so it turned into a token. (0:23:26.49)
Yukari Amakawa : You're still on about that? (0:23:30.91)

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