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This book tells you how to add the Furigana name of the title if you don't want to leave that part empty, when creating or moderating a title. It also tells you how to convert an English/foreign name to Katakana.

Note: I hope you were smart enough to install the Japanese characters (letters) support form wiki, otherwise, you won't be able to read the Japanese words.

What is Furigana, and what do you need to post in that part

In the Furigana name of a title, you should add the transcription of the original title in either Hiragana or Katakana, so Japanese people would know how to read the title accurately. (Kanji characters (letters) always means more than one word, and often even more than 10!) If you're wondering what those words (Romaji, Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana) mean, please read the "What is Romaji, Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana" section below.

This part of the title usually appears next to the original title/name, above it, below it, or right after it, in brackets. The Japanese Wikipedia usually has the Furigana in brackets right after the original name of the title, so you can copy it from there.

If it doesn't, you need to type it in yourself. To do that, you have to either have Japanese on your keyboard, or have a Romaji to Hiragana/Katakana converter. (It most likely will be the second option, if you can read this guide... )
So, you copy and paste the Romaji name in the second converter. Then you copy and paste the text you got from there, to the 'Furigana Title' part.

Here are the Furigana converters I use.

1. Kanji Converter to Hiragana, Romaji, English
Converts japanese characters to hiragana or to roman letters transcription. (I'll be calling it romaji, if you don't mind)
This is useful if you have the hiragana text of the title, but you don't want to type all of the romaji by yourself.
This is also useful for translating JP kanji names. But be careful, it's not always correct!
(To check if the name is right, paste the JP name of the title and the hiragana trans of the char's name in the google search. Then, if the results show the kanji you wanted to translate by the hiragana you posted, the name is correct!)

2. Romaji to Kanji Converter
This converter is useful if you have the Romaji name of the title or of a character, and you want to convert it to Hiragana/Katakana. (You can also try to convert your name to Katakana, just for fun!)

YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THIS SECTION. It's about the other uses for the second coverter.
The second coverter is the converter I use way more often... It has some more useful traits, but I don't think you're ready to use them. When the time comes, you'll find out about them by yourself... *ghost howls mysteriously*

Here are its extra features:
This converter can also tell you the meaning and transcription of a certain Kanji character. Also, if you're skilled enough, you can add the Kanji name by yourself with that converter (if you have an imahe with the character's name, but the Kanji is nowhere to be found on the web. but you can't come up with another Kanji name for the character, even if it matched to the Romaji transcription.). If you type in a syllable, like "gi", it gives you all of the kanji characters that stands for it.


Example for adding a Hiragana based Furigana name:

Let's take this title for example, and say that it's JP Wiki doesn't have the Furigana name in it, and that the 'Furigana Title' section is empty.
You have the Romaji Title (Majo no Takkyūbin). To get the Furigana, you post it in the second converter listed above.
But there is one problem: we get the text like this: まじょのたっkyūびん . It's because that converter can't read the ū. This ū means the vowel u is too long, ie it needs to be uu. So instead of the ū, you post uu (Majo no Takkyuubin), and then post this in the converter. You get まじょのたっきゅうびん. And as you can see, it really is the Furigana Title on the page.

Note: you will get that ū problem only sometimes, and only if you get the Romaji transcription/name from Wiki.

This is an explanation of what these letters, ā, ē, ū, ī, ō, mean. If you get the Romaji name NOT from Wiki, you don't need this.

When a character has that line above it, it means it's a long vowel. To translate a name to Japanese and to English properly, you should know what does each of the vowels stand for.
ō=oo OR ou

The last one can be also "ou", because Japanese names and words can include something like this: きょう (kyou, kyō).
When the vowel of K is o, the long version turns into an u.
But oo exists. You read it like a long (sharp) o in "of", not like in "cool".
For example, the word Ookami (wolf, 狼) is written like this in Hiragana: おおかみ . So most of the time, a long "o" means "ou" in japanese, but if you see in the Hiragana an お after the syllable that includes a long "o".

The other vowels can be either be extended by ー like this: カー (kaa, can be also romanized to kar/car).
Or by adding the vowel character after the syllable character, like this: ひい (hii).
Usually, when converting a word from English to Japanese, they use the ー .

Converting English words and names to Katakana

If a certain part of a title is in English, you can translate it to Katakana, to put it in the Furigana name of the title, so the Japanese viewers would know how to read that part.
Note: It is always better to get the official Furigana from websites like Wikipedia, or the official website. So please, use the method mentioned below only if you can't find the Furigana anywhere on the web.

Japanese studios often use foreign words and phrases to name their media.
Example of a Japanese title with an original English name: D.Gray-man
They have an unique way to read it, and it is called Romaji . This means they read and write the foreign words and names, like if the words were originally in Japanese.
Examples: they use "r" instead of "L" (Blue - ブルー (Buruu)), use "shi" in words like Silk (シルク - Shiruku in Romaji), and every time there isn't a vowel after a consonant, they add an "u" (or sometimes even "o") after it. Example: the word Milk is written like this: ミルク (Miruku).

The easiest way to know how to write a common word or name in Katakana is search it in the Japanese Wikipedia. (not a whole phrase, but one word at a time)
Usually, if the word/name is very common, you get a page with its name in Romaji on top. Example. So you just copy the word from there.
If the word/name is not very common, you need to copy the right part of the Katakana name of some other name/title/anything else that has the desirable word in it.
Example: You want to convert the word "Summit" to Katakana. The JP Wiki search gives you this. You need to find a title with the word Summit in it, and copy the part of its Furigana transcription that says Summit.
Let's take the first result: TOKAI SUMMIT. The furigana is right after the original title, in brackets:
TOKAI SUMMIT(トーカイサミット)

(Use a Katakana-Hiragana table to read the Furigana)
We skip the Tokai (トーカイ) part, and read the word サミット (Sammito), which IS the word Summit in Katakana. Success! Now we know how to write Summit in Japanese, and we can add it to a title that has the word Summit in its name.

To seperate the words in the Katakana transcription, use this dot ・. Example: ブラック・キャット (Black Cat)

Practice: Try translating the English part in Yamiyo ni Odore -Witch wishes to commit the Night-. (the "Witch wishes to commit the Night" part).
The answer is below. (in this book)


What is Romaji Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana:

The Japanese language has two syllable alphabets: Katakana (used mainly for writing foreign names and words) and Hiragana (used in JP texts with Kanji and to write the reading of a Japanese name).
Kanji is adopted Chinese characters that are used in texts in names. There are over 9000 kanji characters (letters), and it's too hard for us to translate them. Plus, as I said before, Kanji characters (letters) always mean more than one word, and often even more than 10.
Romaji is the Japanese transcription of words in Roman letters.

Ok, I think that's all you need to know to write any Furigana name of a title.
If you have any answers, PM me!


Writer - anonymous17
Editor - InfernalQueen


-Witch wishes to commit the Night- : ウィッチ・ウィッシェズ・トゥ・コミット・ザ・ナイト
ウィッチウィッシェズトゥーコミットザ ナイト

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